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In a true literal infinity, the answer to questions must cut two ways...

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In other words, it must contain everything which means both the yes and the no.

Questions such as...

Is there a separate self? Is everything One? Is everything Love? etc.

You can find both truth and falsehood depending on the perspective it is viewed from, as a product of infinity this is inevitable. Leo calls one of these perspectives the relative... The other perspective would be the absolute.

To say everything is One is acknowledging the absolute only. To say it is many is acknowledging the relative only. Reality is in fact both one AND many simultaneously. Something and nothing simultaneously. Love and hate simultaneously. Separation and unity simultaneously... If you find any question with a definite yes or no, at least examine the opposite to see if the opposite is true from any perspective or interpretation at all.

Does the Easter Bunny exist? If you imagine it, it is of course inescapably part of existence (imagination itself is part of existence). But there is no Easter Bunny running around Earth planting Easter eggs.

I have noticed this trend, that basically all questions cut both ways. There are some I'm not sure about (whether they do cut both ways), but it seems basically every question that exists is as such.

Edited by RMQualtrough

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Yeah and it's super beautiful! (:

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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