
Millionaire Goes Homeless To Prove Anyone Can Make $1,000,000

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How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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What an absolutely insensitive and douchebag thing to do. I will watch the video now. 

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Knowledge is #1

The unfair advantage he had is that he went homeless with world-class marketing knowledge

A homeless person might be enterprising enough to flip stuff on Craigslist and make a couple hundred bucks per day if they really hustle. But the chances of them setting up a successful coffee e-commerce business on their first try is pretty slim.

I would've liked to see him do it in a way that required learning a new skill first. Although marketing is so overpowered and applies to every business that it would be hard to try and un-learn or ignore your existing knowledge.

It sounds super corny when people say that the best investment you can make is in yourself. But it's true. With a practical skill or knowledge, you can always build back from 0. Maybe not to 1 million in a year, but even $64k this guy accomplished before he gave up is impressive and more than what most people will do.

Edited by Yarco

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Idiot. He basically made about $300,000 and wasted most of it when he could have easily invested in way better projects than dog coffee cups.

If I were in the US or any other first world country, I could probably earn more in less time if I wanted to. You guys are way too spoiled and lazy, you have a moderate work ethic at best, you can't handle hard times or crises very well, you buy unnecessary stuff all the time, and you get distracted by all sorts of things.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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How goes human to prove anyone can become god like.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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7 hours ago, universe said:


Im interested what you think about this guys work ethic (other video from same channel) :D

I don't think that it can be called "work" if all you do is online marketing and meeting with people.

Many people do the same thing and fail or get mediocre results. Only a few get lucky and hit the jackpot. That's just the way it is with everything. He's not special, just luckier, if money is how people (not me) measure luck.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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23 hours ago, Yarco said:

Knowledge is #1

The unfair advantage he had is that he went homeless with world-class marketing knowledge

A homeless person might be enterprising enough to flip stuff on Craigslist and make a couple hundred bucks per day if they really hustle. But the chances of them setting up a successful coffee e-commerce business on their first try is pretty slim.


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this is bs even if he really did it, he went to school he has knowledge thats most homeless do not. 

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On 12/5/2021 at 5:22 PM, Gesundheit2 said:

Idiot. He basically made about $300,000 and wasted most of it when he could have easily invested in way better projects than dog coffee cups.

If I were in the US or any other first world country, I could probably earn more in less time if I wanted to. You guys are way too spoiled and lazy, you have a moderate work ethic at best, you can't handle hard times or crises very well, you buy unnecessary stuff all the time, and you get distracted by all sorts of things.

US is not a first world country, or at least it's not what the term suggests to be more exact.

not sure where you are from, but being an immigrate myself, being fluent in English, spending time between work and study, not going out or wasting money and not buying expensive and unnecessary things, and still haven't broken through. 

it's tough to survive in the US, I wish someone told me that. I would still come, but I wouldn't be played out like the way I thought the US was like. 

Edited by Happy Lizard

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4 hours ago, Happy Lizard said:

US is not a first world country, or at least it's not what the term suggests to be more exact.

not sure where you are from, but being an immigrate myself, being fluent in English, spending time between work and study, not going out or wasting money and not buying expensive and unnecessary things, and still haven't broken through. 

it's tough to survive in the US, I wish someone told me that. I would still come, but I wouldn't be played out like the way I thought the US was like. 

The technical term "first world" typically refers to a superior industrial and overall political and economical climate of a certain country. The US is clearly not the best currently, but it's still among the best.

What I am concerned with in the case of a first world country is the tools that are available there and nowhere else, the rest is just skill in how you use and manage those tools.

But keep in mind that breaking through does not happen automatically. If you are working steadily, nothing special will happen, even if you work hard. Slow and steady does not win the race. Only risk takers can make something big because big things always require risking something in return, but most people are not willing to take risks. Most people just want stability and repetition. They fear the unknown and the unexpected and prefer to always stay on the safe side. Better safe than sorry, that's how most people think.

A thousand dollars might not do much in the US, and it won't add up to a fortune if you simply keep saving for retirement. That's not the way to wealth. That's linear thinking and it leads to mediocrity at best, because economy is always accelerating. If you're gonna save any money at all, it's a lot better to save for the short term just to make some momentum money that can then turn into a project that can then snowball and grow larger and larger.

The difference between a first world country and a third world one is that in a first world country you can easily save up until you get that amount of money. I can't tell you how much that amount should be. And I can't tell you how long it's gonna take you to accumulate. It might take you a year, or more, or less, depending on how much you earn, how much you're willing to save, how big your project is, and other factors. Anyway, that's exactly what that dude did in the video. He's got the mindset of a millionaire, and he's willing to take risks. If there is one takeaway to take from his video, it's this. He made enough money from zero and then very quickly started up a company. The mistake he made though is that he didn't have a backup plan. He placed all his bets on one project and simply didn't give himself the necessary safety net. Ideally, what I would do is the same thing except that I would always keep a backup plan. No project ever is guaranteed to succeed., that's what he didn't know. So you always need a backup plan. In a first world country, that's very easy. You work, save up some money, split that money into project money and backup money. Then you make a go at the project in mind, and see if it's promising or not. If it's not, exit, and then save up some money again and repeat. You simply can't lose with that strategy, and this luxury is only possible in a first world country. Of course, many people say that huge breakthroughs require persistence on only one project, and that can be true in many cases, but I can't tell you exactly what will become a great success and what won't, because it is highly contextual, and luck is always a big factor in these kinds of things. Just know that you are swimming in an ocean of opportunities right now and that you can make something out of it if you really want to.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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The whole point is that homeless people have tons of trauma, abuse, drug addiction, poor health, mental illness, low consciousness, lack of education, lack of skills, and deep victim mentality.

Of course if you have all that solved, rising out of homelessness is easy.

These kind of experiments make light of how seriously fucked homeless people are. A normal healthy person cannot even begin to comprehend the mental hell that homeless folk are in. They are not merely normal people who are acting lazy and need a motivational speech.

Many homeless people cannot even think a straight chain of logic. That's how fucked their mind is. They would not be capable of showing up to a job on time, let alone running a biz or the like.

Plenty of homeless have levels of consciousness closer to animals than high-functioning successful humans. Which is why even if you give each homeless a million dollars they will destroy themselves. The help they most need is education, truama healing, and addiction recovery. Not infusions of cash.

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@Leo Gura New video coming next Sunday? 12 Dec? Guess youre taking a break, makes me think something huge is coming. :P

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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54 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The whole point is that homeless people have tons of trauma, abuse, drug addiction, poor health, mental illness, low consciousness, lack of education, lack of skills, and deep victim mentality.

I've never been homeless, only displaced, and I have experienced all of these, except drug addiction and poor health. And then on top of them I experienced awakening. It took me 4-5 years of personal development just to start making sense of what's happening, so I know how true your words are and somewhat the struggles of the homeless. For me, 2021 was the year where everything really started to fall into place, and now I can finally say with confidence that I have fixed my psychology into a normal calibrated human being, even though I know I have not yet reached a 100% healthy psychology. Before that everything had been a crazy mess for a very long time that I forgot what mental health looks or feels like, so I am grateful for where I'm at now, and I'm especially grateful that I have very hazy memories of that bad period of my life. In 2022 I plan on getting my financial situation together in the first half, and then on getting everything else right in the years to come. I just want you to know that you have played an important role in my healing process, and I want to confess that anytime I acted out on here it was always because of me and my past. I was damaged, and I couldn't help it. I hope I will be doing better in the future. And sorry for all the trouble :P

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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yeah, I don't get it. Why don't homeless people just start a online shopify dropshipping business? 

That video is the definition of "just buy a house bro" lol

Edited by Godhead

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1 hour ago, TheSomeBody said:

he got years of skills and got great connections

And a driving license.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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Anyway, I don't think the point of this video is to debunk homelessness. It is rather aimed at the people who identify themselves as wage slaves in first world countries, and in that light I think it's valid to a great extent.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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@Gesundheit2 I can tell you that I agree with every word you said, and I’d still say it’s not as easy as you think. I came from a 3rd world country with opportunity in mind, I already know all this. 

it’s really not as you think, it’s a big lie that most people simply swallow before coming to the US. Thinking that with this mindset they are set to go. There’s a rude awakening that waits on the other side. Also, I’m actually still in the process of making it work so I’m not saying I reached a dead end and everyone who comes here will have the same experience. But there’s a facade to the US that is just not apparent to outsiders.

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