
When we die do we go to Love?

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incarnate, meaning embodied in flesh. Are you embodied in flesh?

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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39 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

But the question of what happens after death is on the relative/human/concrete level,

You mean what happens to the body?

It dissolves and it's energy become other stuff. There isn't a someone inside the body that dies. 

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16 hours ago, Seraphim said:

But the question of what happens after death is on the relative/human/concrete level, like asking for directions or a math problem. You have decided that it's okay to have knowledge and theories about math for example, but not the afterlife, it doesn't make sense. @Salvijus Exactly.

xD Perhaps for now we can agree to disagree. At least with math there’s thoughts, perception and sensation. With so called death and or afterlife there’s just the thought (belief) and the discord therein. 

There are no / is no separate self / selves. No one ‘has’ knowledge or theories. There is the illusion that there is or are separate selves, which is / ‘transpires’ as thoughts, and is referred to often as thought attachment, and remedied often, by meditation and inspecting the beliefs. 

I fully acknowledge this might sound absolutely crazy, but death was inspected fullyand all ‘I’ got was a punchline. Nothing.   Like how Charlie ends up with the whole factory. 




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"When Love is Gone... Where does it go? and where do we go?" - 


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I think consciousness says "bye bye *your name*" and stops playing with you, and plays with another toy instead. The story of you closes and another story opens. Many stories concurrently.

I never know how to articulate my thoughts on this but it makes sense to me. I guess waves and the ocean is a decent one. But I feel more like I will vanish as consciousness is done dreaming me.

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@Tyler Durden Yes, memory is a brain function. If matter = mind, don't forget that this means there is no contradiction in brain function's link to mental elements: The physical brain IS a mental element itself.

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@Salvijus Yes I agree with you, I am asking about a relative matter. You could dismiss anything with the no dual approach. Like all of these letters are intimately meaningless and words themselves are simply meaningless sounds and then even sound technically doesn’t exist so let’s all sit here and say nothing ahaha. 

I guess a good way to say this, is that we’re playing a video game here. Yes I understand it’s a video game, yes it’s only pixels on a screen and it’s not actually real. However, I’m asking from one player to another - how do you get dragon oil from the bartender over the valley? I’m asking a question from the game characters point of view. 

If I asked you “In Lord Of The Rings, when the hobbits die - where do they go?” Would you just tell me that movies aren’t real and it doesn’t exist? Well obviously I already know that but I’m asking from the level of the movie, from inside the J.R. Tolkien’s fantasy world.

… and there IS an answer to these questions.

Understanding that the truth of a video game is that it’s all pixels on screen doesn’t answer your problem of needing 200xp to level up your weapon. 

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@SelfHelpGuy nice examples ?

I think if some people can remeber what they did yesterday, and some people can remember what they did in the previous lifetime,  there is not much difference. 

15 hours ago, SelfHelpGuy said:

Surely it would make more sense that when you die you'd go to infinite love because that's the end of your self, when you die - your ego dies right? 

Well I don't have a full understanding on this but what buddha or Jesus would say is that ego doesn't die after death. It takes another form. It could take an eartly body, or some other body, or go to heavenly realm or to hell. Where you go depends on how much evolution of the soul has been made here on earth. I don't even myself understand it fully so... but ego survives bodily death according to almost all if not 100% of all religions and spiritual traditions in the world even in advaita studies nobody denies reincarnation. Only "expert nondualists" on this forum have funny ways of disproving everything that they don’t like. ? 

I think reincarnation is like taking all the data and all the softwares from one computer and uploading it to another computer. If you want ego death, all data has to be obliterated through spiritual practice or antivirus self deleting program :D killing a computer won't kill the data inside it.

When a body dies, I think the personality and the karmic substance and all data of the ego can float around in the energy body in the space or take another womb. The personality and the karmic substance is recorded in the energy body. This energy that carries the information and data of the personality is called the soul. The soul's energy and universe's energy is ultimately the same but it is being seperated by the ego and karmic substance. Like a bubble in the air. Air inside the bubble and air outside the bubble is the same air but a bubble is formed becouce of the ego mass around the energy and appareat seperation of individual soul happens. Dissolving the bubble or the karmic structure makes the bubble dissapear and the soul energy reunites with the cosmos energy. Aka, mahasamadhi. If you dissolve the ego bubble fully, the energy that carries the person's data will no longer be entrapped by the personality and just unites with infinity. Like the bubble bursting and air joining the cosmos.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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7 hours ago, SelfHelpGuy said:

If I asked you “In Lord Of The Rings, when the hobbits die - where do they go?” Would you just tell me that movies aren’t real and it doesn’t exist? Well obviously I already know that but I’m asking from the level of the movie, from inside the J.R. Tolkien’s fantasy world.

Except you asked  “In Lord Of The Rings, when the hobbits die - do they go to Love?” which is not strictly a question that can be answered in the relative domain. In the movie, death is not Love. 

Sure you can make up any stories you want to appease the sense of a separate self that magically lives on between lives or whatever, but there's no actuality to them.

@Salvijus cool story bro 

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@Chris365 no need to be so demeaning. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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17 hours ago, Zeroguy said:

Yes I am .This/"there " is only LOVE

Go dream you unbeleivable mofos.


@Zeroguy best teacher in universe

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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There is a reason why it's called awakening or non-dual awareness. 

It's kind of like if your roommate started going into a very detailed and dramatic story about his dream last night at the breakfast table.

When he starts slamming the table and crying into his eggs about why things went the way they did, it becomes obvious there's an inherent misunderstanding that's not being recognized.

It's not that there isn't empathy for the feelings or emotions experienced about the dream.

It's that the best way to help your friend get over his apparent dilemma isn't by reinforcing the delusions that there is in fact a real dilemma.

It's by pointing out that this whole apparent dilemma is founded within a dualistic dream story of separation where meaning, purpose and value seem convincingly real but are ultimately NOT.






“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@Salvijus ahah thank you! Interesting, interesting, I just still don’t know for myself. Imma have to come to these insights within my direct experience before I even begin to follow anything that eludes to breaking out of a karmic wheel. For all I know when I die maybe nothing happens and it’s infinite no form forever, or maybe I’ll be a unicorn in a heavenly realm - idk, so I’ll have to find out ?‍♂️ 

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7 minutes ago, SelfHelpGuy said:

@VeganAwake that’s very well said I like that explaination. Thank you ?

You're very welcome. 

That whole explanation of course is also just a story but can seem to pack a punch. 


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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18 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

It's kind of like if your roommate started going into a very detailed and dramatic story about his dream last night at the breakfast table.

When he starts slamming the table and crying into his eggs about why things went the way they did, it becomes obvious there's an inherent misunderstanding that's not being recognized.

It's not that there isn't empathy for the feelings or emotions experienced about the dream.

It's that the best way to help your friend get over his apparent dilemma isn't by reinforcing the delusions that there is in fact a real dilemma.

It's by pointing out that this whole apparent dilemma is founded within a dualistic dream story of separation where meaning, purpose and value seem convincingly real but are ultimately NOT


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A Drop of Rain


You journey started as the ocean. Not in the ocean, but as the ocean. An infinite ocean. And there you were, unknowable, undefinable, so infinitely, incomprehensibly vast, that - you were Nothing. No boundaries, anywhere. Nothing, nothing, nothing... No self to be found, not within, not without. Eternity is meaningless. No time, no boredom. Nothing to do, nothing not to do. Neither alive, nor dead.

All-encompassing, there can't be anything for you to reject. 

And so one day, you said to yourself: "get lost!" 

And lost you got.


So definitely and finally lost, that you didn't even know that you got lost. 

Playing the lake game, playing the cloud game, playing the steam game - you began to seem to separate yourself from yourself.

You're still water, but you're starting to wave around. You're starting to move and to stand still, you're starting to flow and to melt, to snow and to rain.

Still all you. Right? ...right?...


"How did I get here? Who am I?"

"You're a drop of rain, stop asking silly questions!" 

"Leo states that when we die, we go to that infinite center of love. 

But then also says it may take us 100s of lifetimes to get there. 

So that would mean when we die we just go into another life, not infinite love. 

Surely it would make more sense that when you die you'd go to infinite love because that's the end of your self, when you die - your ego dies right?"



Where are you to go? Who is there to go? Who is there to merge with what? 

Who is there to die? 


You will never merge with infinite love. You will never get there. If you think you got there, you didn't get there.

And when it rains, nothing will unite.


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1 hour ago, SelfHelpGuy said:

@Salvijus ahah thank you! Interesting, interesting, I just still don’t know for myself. Imma have to come to these insights within my direct experience before I even begin to follow anything that eludes to breaking out of a karmic wheel. For all I know when I die maybe nothing happens and it’s infinite no form forever, or maybe I’ll be a unicorn in a heavenly realm - idk, so I’ll have to find out ?‍♂️ 

Yeah, I wasn't trying to prove anything. I don't know anything myself what happens after death just some theories that make sense to me. 


Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Ram dass video on reincarnation popped on my youtube screen just now, might be a synchronisity. 




Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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