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I have long struggled with partys and social settings (clubs, partys etc)

118 posts in this topic

34 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

Definitely not more than Europe

No club in Europe will have more hot girls than a Vegas club at peak summer capacity. Vegas clubs are best in the world. You don't even know what a club can be until you been to Vegas in the summer.

It's like an Alaskan salmon run of hot girls. They be tripping over each other.

When an Islamic terrorist blows himself up, Allah sends him to Vegas ;)


 and they have you pussy whipped if you have to do all this dancing monkey stuff to sleep with them. I’m shocked reading this is the type of game being run in Vegas in order to sleep with a hot chick.

You don't need any dancing monkey stuff. I am amusing myself and telling you what extremes are possible.

You can play it totally chill and straight if you want.


When in Rome. It isn’t a coincidence European pick up artists and game coaches are so much more chill and authentic people. 

You are making gross over-generalizations.

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@Knowledge Hoarder

12 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

that's observable reality. Some people are born rich, some people are born poor.

It's observable reality that some people are born hot, some people are born ugly.

12 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

Obviously, luck plays a big part of the equation, but you can make luck work for you, too, by taking opportunities and working hard and smart.

If you meant political system, then yeah lol. There's no meritocracy. I don't know what that has to do with this topic.

What it has to do with the topic is that there's hardly any meritocracy when it comes to sex and what people find attractive either.

13 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

However, you don't even need that much wealth anyway. All you need is to be able to afford certain standard of living, that can be considered comfortable. That's it.

The point is simply that some are born into so much unfathomable wealth that no matter what you do or how hard you try you will never get that. Just as there are some men born so attractive that no matter how many jokes you tell or burning hoops you jump through they will still be the amog. 

14 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

Because there's no such market, and regular logic doesn't apply to those dynamics.

Ofcourse there is. There is supply and demand. There are some men and women that are more attractive than others and are sought after. To deny that is to deny observable reality. Are you telling me that virgins don't exist and that men who fuck dozens of women don't? That its all fair and everyone gets the exact same and have the same chances at sexual mobility (rather than economic mobility)?


It's a fact...that in societies like ours sex truly represents a second system of differentiation, completely independent of money; and as a system of differentiation it functions just as mercilessly. The effects of these two systems are, furthermore, strictly equivalent. Just like unrestrained economic liberalism, and for similar reasons, sexual liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization . Some men make love every day; others five or six times in their life, or never. Some make love with dozens of women; others with none. It's what's known as 'the law of the market'...Economic liberalism is an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. Sexual liberalism is likewise an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. ― Michel Houellebecq

19 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

Well, just like when people say that life is not fair economically, this is also an observable reality. You have plenty of examples if guys far worse socially than us, who made it. So this is just entirely victim mindset.

It's not a victim mindset to point out reality. It's fact. Just like it doesn't mean I have a victim mentality to acknowledge the unfairness in the economy. That some work several jobs while a football makes more in ten minutes than they do in a several months of hard back breaking labor. 

21 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

Nothing is fair. Some people need to work harder than others, to achieve the same thing. Guess what? That doesn't mean it's rigged lol.

WOW you just said nothing is fair. What a victim mentality lol. The fact that others need to work not just harder, but much much harder and sometimes no matter how hard you work you still won't get what you want, if that isn't a rigged game then what is? Genuine question.

22 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

You want to try, because you want to get out of this situation. Not for some other bullshit excuse.

I try because it's my only option. But I don't bullshit myself and bury my head in the sand like everyone else it seems.

Rigged Game.gif

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1 hour ago, Merkabah said:

Some of us cannot handle as much stimulation as other people.

I don't handle stimulation well. But I trained to expand my comfort zone.

Few people are as introverted as me.

Most girls I talk to don't believe I am an introvert. That's the training and building state.

Extroversion is actually a mode you can learn to turn on within yourself.

You are more flexible than you give yourself credit for. Going out a lot also desensitizes you, making you harder. Like tempered steel. Not going out makes you soft.

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Few people are as introverted as me.

Were you the quiet type in school? Wallflower?

Edited by Rilles

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

She never got with cowboy. She was very butthurt about losing the cowboy. The cowboy had no game, otherwise he should have pulled her.

How can the girl end up losing the guy? That’s backwards. Was she not very pretty or something? A hot girl can have her pick of any guy she wants no matter what she does. Sounds like her game had to be absolutely horrendous to not get the cowboy.


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29 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

You don't get it. Cowboy was just her type of guy, in her logical mind. Probably handsome, nice, or whatever. You remember those times when your girl classmates were asked, what type of guy they want, and they gave you a bucketlist of traits they want in a guy? That was probably the case with him also. She probably genuinely liked him, and wanted to sleep with him.

However, he did not have the game to close the deal, so nothing came out of it. And that goes to show, that without game, you are absolutely fucked.

I already inferred that. Same question applies. If she liked him that much it would have been as easy as touching a button for her to secure him. Just Bambi eyes and asking for his number or ask to come home with him, that’s it. There is no need for all this extra needing him to be a player complication.

Why are women stuck in this paradigm of “I really want this guy but since he doesn’t know how to play my mind games I guess I can’t have him.” 

Ladies: If things are going well with the guy you want but he doesn’t know how to seal the deal, it is completely within your power to help him out a bit.

This is insanity.

Edited by Emotionalmosquito

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39 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Why are women stuck in this paradigm of “I really want this guy but since he doesn’t know how to play my mind games I guess I can’t have him.” 

Women aren't rationally thinking these thinks. They just act impulsively because they're emotional. Sex is not a rational act.

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2 hours ago, Rilles said:

Were you the quiet type in school? Wallflower?

I was the serious type who didn't put with human bullshit and games.

1 hour ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

How can the girl end up losing the guy? That’s backwards. Was she not very pretty or something?

I told you, her friends cockblocked her.

Doesn't matter how hot you are or how good your game is when friends are committed to cockblocking.

A girl is not going to go fuck a guy against all her friends. This makes her the town slut.

If cockblocks didn't exist the human population would be 20 billion right now.

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I was the serious type who didn't put with human bullshit and games.

Not much has changed in that regard. :P

Edited by Rilles

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I’ve had a girl I hooked up with abandon her coworker/friend once ? I don’t think they were too close. We walked pasted her as we got in a taxi while she stood awkwardly alone. When girls are in larger flocks they will be broken up occasionally if one of the girls is REALLY horny. It’s probably more of an exception though. I’ve seen it. She literally fucked one of the dudes she just met in the bathroom. I think this is one of those things you either get super lucky with or you go to a real crazy party and just screen till you find the one chick that doesn’t give a shit. 

Edited by Lyubov

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5 hours ago, bloomer said:


damn thats impressive. did u ever see the girls that he hooked up  with? 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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6 hours ago, bloomer said:

@Leo Gura

The idea of going to a bar or club to compete for women's attention and worrying about other men swooping in and taking her is just funny. 

Do not hate me, hate the game baby ?


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On 05/12/2021 at 8:21 PM, Javfly33 said:

...Also  btw fuck psychedelics for doing game. Worst drug I could ever take for that. 

You made me laugh out loud with that one... christ, I can't imagine trying to do game on psychedlics.... nevermind LSD.... jeeeezuss...  I'm just getting back into it after a very long absence (long-term relationship), and it really feels like I'm starting from square one again... it takes time, but I know it works and I know it's worth it...  


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@ZenRising Well I got this new age idea of openness/consciousness and seeing Connor Murphys pick up videos of the new era (his enlightened era)  , but turns out the real world aint like that. (OR maybe it is, but to embody it takes a tremendous work)

Actually I did the microdose because I was tired and microdose lsd always gives me quite good energy. The problem is that I wasn´t expecting that my "energetic aura" would become an omega/beta one due to consciousness shadows. 

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A mild dose of psychedelic is more effective than alcohol. Although I encourage gaming sober.

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Alcohol makes things "easier" for me. Because I start to care less about what people think of me.

But alcohol really kills my libido and sex feels less intense and I'd rather sleep lol

Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't handle stimulation well. But I trained to expand my comfort zone.

Few people are as introverted as me.

Most girls I talk to don't believe I am an introvert. That's the training and building state.

Extroversion is actually a mode you can learn to turn on within yourself.

You are more flexible than you give yourself credit for. Going out a lot also desensitizes you, making you harder. Like tempered steel. Not going out makes you soft.

Keeping up with a group of people for extended period of time has to do with not only intro/extraversion but also a robust and innate sensory processing capability. There is more to this matter than just " expanding your comfort zone". I personally have expanded my comfort zone quite a bit throughout life but the fact of the matter is you cannot overcome certain neurological defects. Having large social circles is a privilege only SOME people get to enjoy. Again you might argue who needs that and they are shallow and inauthentic friendships all that. But still, it is hard to deny it's survival advantages and joys it brings to people involved in it.......  

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44 minutes ago, Merkabah said:

Having large social circles is a privilege only SOME people get to enjoy.

Yes, but it's got pros and cons. Don't overlook the cons, like massive group-think.


Again you might argue who needs that and they are shallow and inauthentic friendships all that. But still, it is hard to deny it's survival advantages and joys it brings to people involved in it.......  

It brings both joys and sorrows.

I wouldn't want a large social circle.

What you lose in sex you gain in other areas.

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, but it's got pros and cons. Don't overlook the cons, like massive group-think.

It brings both joys and sorrows.

I wouldn't want a large social circle.

What you lose in sex you gain in other areas.


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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

A mild dose of psychedelic is more effective than alcohol. Although I encourage gaming sober.

Any sneaky social nootropics out there? I did go out solo on weed once few years ago ( ive smoked it like twice in my life) and I was extremely eye-opening because it showed me what it's like to socialize with absolutely 0 anxiety. The contrast was beautiful. It showed me that all that time I've been unconsciously a fish in a sea of anxiety. 
EDIT : I'm not looking to get " high ". I'm just curious what people may have come up with.

Edited by mmKay

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