
Do others exist?

21 posts in this topic

I don't quite understand. 

In my current awareness/experience bubble - this is ALL that exists.

No others, no places, no other rooms - just this desk, this monitor and these fingers typing.


Is this literally the only thing that exists, like - at all? 

Sure, people on this forum may reply to this but ultimately they'll only exist once this awareness bubble looks for them. 


What I'm trying to understand is - Is my / this awareness bubble the ONLY one and the others that come and go from it don't have their own? 


Sure, I would love to assume that others do have their own bubbles, lives and experience etc. But from a complete honest level that's an assumption. I can't know for sure. For all I know, I am the only awareness that has ever existed and also at that level maybe even the only human. At least at this moment in time, until coming into contact with another.


A good metaphor to wrap this up is the following:


When you have a dream, all the characters, landscapes and objects are you.  The dream character is unaware of this until you wake up, but when you wake up it becomes clear that you were everything in that dream, you were the dream so to speak. Is this the same as life?

Is this life (of my character) the only life happening?  Yes I am the entirety of it - the whole bubble/ the whole dream - but is this the only dream?

Like how in a dream, the dream characters don't have their own perspectives, their own lives. They may say they do, seem like they do, act like they do, but only when in the main dream characters view and once they're out of view they don't exist. (They're not actually out their somewhere living a life) 

Are there other bubbles (like the one that this body is at the center of) ? 

Like, yes maybe me and another persons bubbles are actually ONE but just currently experienced as separate for the time being OR is it so radical that literally ONLY this bubble that I experience exists. Because that's all I can truly verify (without assumptions). 


...obviously I act and live as if people do exist (bc its fun, logical, immersive and mayyybee even true, but what's actually true here?



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I don't know mate, but what difference does it honestly make? You fell in love with the dream, I fell in love with the dream. It's real enough to fool God. 

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25 minutes ago, SelfHelpGuy said:

Sure, I would love to assume that others do have their own bubbles, lives and experience etc. But from a complete honest level that's an assumption.

Thing is, the opposite (I'm the only bubble that exists) is an assumption as well. There is no absolute truth in the relative realm so saying "this is what I can verify" is simply your perception of what makes sense to you given your current state and view of the world, but reality isn't logical. You win nothing by thinking you're the only "real bubble" so why spend time pondering over it?

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Dream analogy is very close to the truth. Others only exist when they are in your direct experience but they are also you. It's all a God's play in the end.

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You can't know anything. This could appear as anything and become true. Until it appears as something else. It doesn't fucking matter, it's just entertainment. The dark night of the soul is the recognition thst it was you all along and it's pretty sad because you like to think your parents chose to have you and look after you but it's all just one. But you shed your tears and eventually you find true love. Change your definition of love. The love you felt in your favourite moments with your friends is the love that you are, forever. In fact your friends are you and perhaps you lived their life. If this is not beautiful I don't know what is. I don't know though, I'm sorry.

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@michaelcycle00 I see, I get you.

However, if I have a coin in my hand, that's not an assumption. There is a coin in my hand. (yes ofc it's technically consciousness but u get me) 

Then, if someone else shows me a closed fist and just "says" they have a coin in their hand then I don't truly know for sure and it would be an assumption to jump to that conclusion. 


Yes, as I said I enjoy/love living as everyone has their own bubbles and I find it the best way to. 

Like lol, if you went around in a dream and started dismissively treating all the dream characters as unreal and fake it wouldn't go down very well. 

I'm just also very interested in the absolute truth.  

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Your past and future (other people) are as aware and alive as you are.


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Of course they exist. It's all the Self and empty, but yes there are humans with their own individual experience, just like you. Use your intuition. If there were no others, then everything would be pointless. I know that I am here in a human body to be of service to others, that's such a strong intuitive feeling that no spiritual teacher could ever convince me otherwise, especially not someone who gets all their spiritual insights from psychedelics.

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It’s a better question to ask if you even exist. In a sense, there’s just the bubble, and both you and the others are “unreal.” They’re also just as real as you. The bubbles you think they have are just imagination, but everything is imagination. If they have a bubble for you at any level, they do have a bubble. If they don’t, they don’t. But you’d have to be in a pretty radical state of consciousness for you to actually have a complete direct experience of them not having bubbles. There’s a difference between a weak belief of them having no bubbles and a direct realization which has wiped the slate clean of the opposing possibility. You can even experience multiple bubbles at once, but it’s ultimately in some type of transcendent “God bubble” as some people report. It’s still in a way only one bubble even then though. 

Most succinctly: they neither have bubbles nor don't have bubbles. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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@BipolarGrowth Very interesting, thank you! 

Well, I'm working towards discovering the absolute truth of this, it's so fascinating. 

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It definitely seems I must live as it others exist.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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