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The truth about meditation

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Today I was sitting in a bench, blissing myself out just because , hit me. Of course! Of course meditation is not supposed to fix or help you reach your goals and desires, and attachments.

Of course. Meditation is not about the self.  Meditation works for you to just make sure that you are always you. With that all entails. Happiness, peace, nothingness, death, right here.

And if apart from that, you want to pursue goals attachments and stuff you think you need, by all means, go for it, switch Off the Self, attach to the mind, and try to pilot the beast the best you can, but know that meditation won´t follow you there. You will be alone fighting the wolves with the other wolves.

And that´s fine. Not saying that is bad. It is what it is. Attachment, desire, play, it´s Ok. We came here to play.

But Meditation is not about playing the game. Don´t expect meditation to help you become rich, don´t expect it to help you pick-up chicks, don´t expect it to help you become even charismatic or fun.

Meditation cares strictly about You. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Very nice! 

Counterintuitively perhaps… but with continued daily meditation, meditation does ‘go there’, as ‘you’ & ‘there’ are thoughts / beliefs, and no longer attached to, thanks to, meditation. 



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12 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Very nice! 

Counterintuitively perhaps… but with continued daily meditation, meditation does ‘go there’, as ‘you’ & ‘there’ are thoughts / beliefs, and no longer attached to, thanks to, meditation. 

Really? Those seems like really good news.

But then It wouldn't be a "forced" 'there', right?

I mean... If meditation is there, then whatever is happening is happenning effortlessly, which in my experience is the opposite in how It feels when Im trying to "achieve my goals", in some of them i feel a resistance which *seems, is asking for a separate self to appear and control them. 

Would you agree that the meaning of "pursuing" or even "doing" would become contextualized because there wouldnt be a self/control that decides anything?

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22 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Really? Those seems like really good news.

But then It wouldn't be a "forced" 'there', right?

I mean... If meditation is there, then whatever is happening is happenning effortlessly, which in my experience is the opposite in how It feels when Im trying to "achieve my goals", in some of them i feel a resistance which *seems, is asking for a separate self to appear and control them. 

Would you agree that the meaning of "pursuing" or even "doing" would become contextualized because there wouldnt be a self/control that decides anything?

This is definitely the good news. Without persistent activity of thought, there can not therefore be value, meaning, purpose, a separate self, control, decisions, etc, as those are conceptual, or, thoughts. That is all the facade of the separate self, which is exactly the same as saying thoughts, or, thought activity, to “whom” all of the control, purpose, meaning etc revolves around. When that activity of thought is allowed to settle from the daily practice, ‘no self’ is realized, and all of that ‘thinking’ is then understood to have been conditioning. So meaning doesn’t become contextualized… what’s realized is that it, life, existence, etc, was already contextualized. 

Another way to say this… the peace is directly experienced via meditation… and at some point in the day it seems attention has shifted into the activities of the day, and thus ‘where did that nice peaceful feeling go’?  Naturally, from continuing to meditate every morning, that peace ‘lasts longer into the day’, and inevitably days happen where it is very much, and very joyfully felt and noticed, that peace didn’t go anywhere (it’s still present). The activities of the day happen, but clearly happen, within this peace, not in opposition to it. 



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27 minutes ago, Nahm said:

This is definitely the good news. Without persistent activity of thought, there can not therefore be value, meaning, purpose, a separate self, control, decisions, etc, as those are conceptual, or, thoughts. That is all the facade of the separate self, which is exactly the same as saying thoughts...

?I see

Another way to say this… the peace is directly experienced via meditation… and at some point in the day it seems attention has shifted into the activities of the day, and thus ‘where did that nice peaceful feeling go’?  Naturally, from continuing to meditate every morning, that peace ‘lasts longer into the day’, and inevitably days happen where it is very much, and very joyfully felt and noticed, that peace didn’t go anywhere (it’s still present). The activities of the day happen, but clearly happen, within this peace, not in opposition to it.

?Got it

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It can also disrupt the habitual patterns of thinking and identification with.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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