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ok i change my mind about materialism paradigm,but should i try 5meo dmt ?

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first of all i wanna say thanks to everyone cos of the experience shared in this forum,i learn a lot so thank you all

now it has some time i was considering taking some 5 meo to see if this is the thing that will finally release my most profund traumas and awser my most relevant questions  about existence,so lets discuss my case and talk a litle bit about this whole thing,i dont have large experience in mind altering substances,a few trips actually,cannot say i have an ''soul orgasm'' with any of these trips but i do have very relevant insights and lots of people have notice that im kinda onto something

so now ima currently detoxing from medical psichiatric drugs,i talk to my doctor to progressively stop with these drugs and after a year ou 2 i will be totally clean,im currently doing lots of therapeutic aproaches with musictherapy and meditation and herbs and etc and i can say im very very happy with the results so im questioning myself if i shuld just give up this 5 meo idea and stick just with these aproaches 

im interested in continue'' my own way'' im very happy with my teachers and the ''doctrine'' that im inserted into my mind and i feel that everyday im getting more and more aware and illuminated about all sorts of things ,the process of unlearning is to me the last thing im concerned about,does not have problems with that at all i feel i can go for the truth straight im confident about that ,so that been said i wonder'' what i have to gain with the void?'' i heard that people feel younger again and thats a very good argument in favor of the molecule,i wanna feel that again and im not sure if i can get this clear widthout 

now lets talk about how i discover this in first hand "the magic pill to enlightment & god '' from Leo Gura video this is how i get to know the substance and all its potential,now im intrigued about Leo intention to open up all this to the public and wtf is Leo doing with all this movement he just started,hey Leo are you russian-intel??are you some guy into some leftist aurora renaissance trying to gain people into some new age doctrine for some objective?cos you intrigued me Leo and now i wanna know about the truth(if im allowed to)

thanks people and lets discuss about all that with respect...

waiting for you guys opinion,thanks again

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Leo was the KGB’s highest creation in a last ditch effort to destroy capitalism in an undercover way that the West would not detect until it was too late. Of course the previous sentence contains 0% trans fat, non-GMO, anti-satire to the highest degree of seriousness. 

On the topic of 5-MeO use, you might want to expand yourself a bit more with other psychedelics first, especially since you mention trauma and other such things. There are plenty of people I see here who jump straight to 5-MeO without much issue, so maybe that step is too cautious. You won’t really know until you’ve already tried it. There are certainly great benefits which come from psychedelics which you will struggle to find elsewhere, especially without likely many more hours of spiritual work than the simple act of taking the psychedelic with serious intentions requires. 

It’s really as simple as: do you want to take the most effective “short cut” there is for spiritual benefits or do it in a more gradual and possibly less risky way? 

It will most likely speed things up by a number of years when it comes to spiritual progress. If spirituality isn’t your #1 goal right now, ask yourself if you’re ready for it to become #1 without much choice in stopping that process. Have you made enough progress in normal life and want more out of it that non-spiritual approaches are not fulfilling? Do you just need to know the Truth at deeper levels and that desire will not be quenched until an answer is reached? 

These are all just things to consider. There’s of course plenty more that could be considered. Most succinctly and importantly: follow your intuition & heart. It’ll probably give you a better answer than intellectualizing the decision too much. It sounds like you might have some authentic reasons to hold off a bit longer for yourself. There’s ultimately no need to rush. The Truth will always be the Truth. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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hi BipolarGrowth nice things to consider thanks

you see when i talk about 5meo i usually talks about all that i found in this 'package' this 'box' ,including the Leo's talking and the forums and people's reactions,trip reports etc,i believe Leo fails to consider for exemple superhumans abilities and the psychology of the humans that already proof to have reached far above in things like concentration and mind control,im talking about 'monk sitting in boiling water' for exemple, google it ,and several others,,and what about  The Occult?mankind advanced so much in this aspect with a vast lineage os teachers and a huge bag of very relevant information about the nature os existence,just ignored by Leo and his fans ,to give voice to philosofers who are coaches and bussinessman,i mean wtf

this is one of the reasons why i did not see Leo as a integral teacher,a holistic teacher,what the lineage of teachings he follows ? ,coaches,philosofers,dudes with experiences,...,(now masters and elders and people with ancient knoledge no no no lets avoid these are all about "dogmatic doctrines")

 the spiritual and the intgral development of me as a human being sure is what i aways focused about,follow my heart ,my intuition,i was aways passionate about that ,in the end i will follow my heart,im concerned in balance in my life,does not make sense that im 100% developed in one aspect and be a failure  or a average individual in other aspect,

i believe in the importance of the 'abracadabra of creation' investigate the origins of the spoken language ,this tells very much about the nature of existence and the hidden secrets of the universe


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@Verdesbird Leo is an incredibly holistic teacher compared to pretty much anyone out there. I too wish the forum supported more occult-type discussion, but it is a risk for the community in some ways. People into occult stuff can come with more questionable morals in some cases and often are easily deluded. He doesn’t at all say these things aren’t real though. 

He links his teachings to many old masters, Ramana Maharshi is one example he seems quite fond of. 

He’s talked quite a bit about the possibility of superhuman abilities. It appears he’s only accessed these, for the most part, in psychedelic trips which are essentially occurring on a mental/spiritual plane. He doesn’t claim to have any mastery over superhuman abilities in any measurable/more material way, so it’s rather expected for him to not teach something he doesn’t know how to do for himself. He even did speak about the possibility of healing at one point, but I believe it turned out to be even more difficult than he expected at that time. 

A distrust for Leo is a bad call IMO even though I have started learning mostly from other sources for now and leaning in other directions. There is still a wealth of high-quality teachings to be considered from If it doesn’t resonate now, no worries! Do what you’re drawn to. I’m sure you’ll find it again if the time is right. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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