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Why is not believing in enlightenment against guidelines if discussion is open?

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If enlightenment is real, and if no one can come here to disagree (which is what that guideline is basically going to lead to), how can any productive conversation go down? It’s only going to be people agreeing with each other and if no one questions anything there’s not going to be any constructive criticism. If most people aren’t enlightened (assuming it’s legit), how is anyone “lost” going to get there? It’s not productive for a group to leave outsiders out, while the group does 5meo and tells each other how awakened they are. 

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Where is this rule in the guidelines ?

I tried to find it but couldn't.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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you don't need to believe in a sound if you can clearly hear it happening in around you

How would someone believe in enlightenment? ?

Edited by Mosess

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Just don’t be a dick with how you interact with people, provide well thought out questions and responses, and be open to the possibility that you’re wrong. If you do those things, I’m pretty confident the mods and Leo will have no issue with you. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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