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What is your definition of a good life?

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I'm trying to find my own and i'm interested in your thoughts. 

I know what doesn't belong there and/or what does and working on it but i don't necessarily have a bigger vision. For example wage slavery doesn't belong there. I'm getting out of it soon enough. But then what? 

I know that health belongs to a good life. I'm working on it already and actually i feel 20 times better than last year. But then what? Good relationships. Ok i lack a bit there. Even if i have them it will be great but still not enough. Creating art and mastering skills. This will also come. It will be fulfilling but i don't know how much. Then i could finally work on spirituality and maybe psychedelics. Maybe the wanting more will stop then. But i don't want that. Maybe this will just continue until the end. And then time ends one day. I don't really care about people remembering me after i die. Also i can't generate a desire to change the world. I don't have such a desire. Maybe i will in the future or maybe i won't. Are the above things mentioned a life well lived? Is there such a thing at all? 

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