
Eczema help ?

11 posts in this topic

I have suffered with eczema from birth and it has come back with the vengeance. It continues to spread all over my body. I am suffering deeply, it's greatly affecting the quality of life I live. I understand it can be exacerbated by stress , a poor diet etc, however, stress is minimal and any is managed,  my diet is ok, not perfect but it's ok (plant based) doctors are throwing steroid creams at me and I have had to take a course of antibiotics due to it becoming infected. Due to be patch tested at the dermatologist shortly. 

I am aware Eczema can return in cycle's so I am guessing maybe this is just doing it's rounds?

Any advice is massively appreciated. Thank you. 

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I understand if you find this a long "way out there" shot, I would, and I'm not saying it'll work or is the best option at all.  I'm just saying it's a possibility that maybe if it sounds and feels right to you maybe it's worth a shot.

Anyways, I went on an Ayahuasca retreat a few years ago and a woman there, young woman, maybe early to mid 20s, came and had a red rash (I believe it was eczema as well) all over her.

After the retreat was done we had a sharing circle.  I can't remember if she "asked" ayahuasca to help her with her skin issue or not, but, in either case, her red rash on her arms and body had completely gone.  

Never know what may help. 

At least this may give you some more hope that you never know till you try something, so anything could possibly work.  

Hope it gets better

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Hey Charlotte, sorry this has been going on. (Still, good to see you around here again :)

eczema is so multifactorial that it sometimes takes a lot of effort to identify the causative factors. But some of the common cofactors are: 

  • dry  or too coldenvironment or hard water 
  • fatty acids deficiency or potentially an imbalance in Omega 3: Omega 6 ratio 
  • zinc deficiency 
  • protein deficiency 
  • B-vitamin and/or D-vitamin deficiency 
  • overburdened immune system or overburdened detoxification 
  • long term stress 
  • certain meds 
  • in some cases, eczema can be linked to gut health

There could be other things but hard to tell without knowing more in-depth info about your diet, lifestyle, environmental exposure etc. But maybe the above will give you some leads. 

Personalised Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
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23 hours ago, Charlotte said:

I have suffered with eczema from birth and it has come back with the vengeance. It continues to spread all over my body. I am suffering deeply, it's greatly affecting the quality of life I live. I understand it can be exacerbated by stress , a poor diet etc, however, stress is minimal and any is managed,  my diet is ok, not perfect but it's ok (plant based) doctors are throwing steroid creams at me and I have had to take a course of antibiotics due to it becoming infected. Due to be patch tested at the dermatologist shortly. 

I am aware Eczema can return in cycle's so I am guessing maybe this is just doing it's rounds?

Any advice is massively appreciated. Thank you. 

   Please tells us all about your diet, nutrition, health, sleep, fitness and other relevant factors like stress as well, in detail if you can. Also, give us an approximation of what cycle your eczema is in, and how long has it been since the last one you had?


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@Matt23 Thank you so much for the input. It would be interesting to know if the Eczema ever came back. 

@Michael569 Thank you for your input, always appreciated. 

Oh I haven't really gone anywhere, just grasping university life and facing fears and new challenges and exploring a completely different way of life for this chapter ?

Diet- vegan eat sugar in moderation, plenty of beans legumes, fruit and vegetables, some mock meat, but I would say (currently) a ratio of 65-70/40, 65-70 being organic wholefoods plant based and the rest being processed. (Also I was 2 years into veganism when this started)

Environmental- cold and dry environment does make it worse, however, this seemed to of redeveloped, out of the blue approximately 2 years ago (a lot of issues did seem to develop after my intermittent fasting year. I.e., tendonitis/eczema.)

Omegas- I do take some suppliments but not consistently enough, ahi flower and these from Tesco (

Zinc and protein- again I take zinc suppliments but not consistently enough and protein is definitely more than enough as I lift weights therefore consume 120g approx daily (tracked via myfitness). 

B and D - I do take consistently, b12 and D3 regularly. 

Overburden immune or detoxification- no idea. Possibility as my tendonitis has recently flared alongside an eczema flare. I have been investigated for autoimmune disorders (particularly psoriatic & rheumatoid) which were negative. I had bloods, scans and a full MRI of the entire spine. 

Long-term stress - there is a higher chance of this than anything else mentioned. Since beginning this journey I voluntarily explored every area of the psyche and my heart possible by entering into therapy. Since that began I have healed many areas but unveiled many areas of the unconscious which were possibly hidden. I made a commitment to myself to align to my higher self and heal the inner child. I do feel like the Eczema and tendon issues are a psychosomatic byproduct of the attachment to mind and neurotic behaviours that have manifested. 

Meds and gut health - I don't feel my diet would interfere with gut health as I regularly eat fermented foods and even take gut health supplements to compliment. The meds is out of question as I don't take any. Although, I were prescribed propanol to take on the occasion to help manage panic and anxiety. 

Sleep - in general very good. 

Cycle - last time I remember having eczema I must of been early teens and then again early 20's, it does seem to have a 7 years proximity, I am now 31, and it restarted when I was around early 30's. 

I hope that helps gain some insight 

On 02/12/2021 at 10:05 PM, Danioover9000 said:


   Please tells us all about your diet, nutrition, health, sleep, fitness and other relevant factors like stress as well, in detail if you can. Also, give us an approximation of what cycle your eczema is in, and how long has it been since the last one you had?


@Medhansh thank you very much. 

@Opo animal foods are not superior in anyway shape or form. I am able to get and retain all the nutrients (and more) from a plant based diet. The only ingredient animal flesh contains that plants don't is animal fat. I don't see how animal fat cured Eczema, only if you were deficient in other vital nutrients that you were not consuming via a plant based diet. 








Edited by Charlotte

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4 hours ago, Charlotte said:

animal foods are not superior in anyway shape or form. I am able to get and retain all the nutrients (and more) from a plant based diet. The only ingredient animal flesh contains that plants don't is animal fat. I don't see how animal fat cured Eczema, only if you were deficient in other vital nutrients that you were not consuming via a plant based diet 

It's not about the nutrients. 

I reacted to something in plants. 

The meat is great because people with autoimmune problems don't get that almost an allergic reaction to it. 

The weird thing is that while I ate all of that stuff I didn't notice my reaction to it. It's only after I ate carni for some time and then reintroduced the foods back in that I had an reaction to it. 

If you don't like meat I get it. Try all the other stuff that you can and if that doesn't work don't forget that you have this as an option. 

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@Opo did you get tested to find out what it was within the plants you were reacting to? Do you know specifically what it was?

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Thinking back, this developed after the mushroom trip I did, in which I do feel since then I have unveiled a plethora of issue which I mentioned. Would be be interesting for me to do another and dive ballz deep. 





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5 hours ago, Charlotte said:

@Opo did you get tested to find out what it was within the plants you were reacting to? Do you know specifically what it was?

As a child I did allergy tests and no food came back positive. 

I still don't know specifically what I can and can't eat and how much but I for sure react to gluten, sugar, dairy, nightshades and legumes. 

Basically Aip diet.

It helps but not as much as carnivore. 

If you could follow aip and not eat meat you'll probably be fine. 

If you're gonna try that I would buy L-Glutamine to repair your gut lining since you won't be getting it from the meat. I assume plants don't have enough of it, don't really know and it's vegan. 

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