
Youtube removed the dislike count

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1 hour ago, unborn_chicken said:

I'm not surprised by anything anymore lol... LET IT ALL ROT!

   Wait, did YouTube remove the dislike count? When did this happen?

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9 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

Wait, did YouTube remove the dislike count? When did this happen?

been like 2 weeks now

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And they supposedly did it to prevent "targeted dislike attacks", which is like the lamest excuse ever. They could've easily made it optional for each creator, but they didn't. These big tech people are not even trying to disguise their censorship anymore lol. LET US ALL WELCOME THE FACISM!!

Edited by unborn_chicken

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4 minutes ago, Osaid said:

been like 2 weeks now

   What are they thinking, just removing the dislike button? So, what's their problem exactly? Because if I don't like a video, and can't dislike the video, then that leaves the comment section. I give constructive critic if I want, but some would leave general negative comments, and some more negative. The main issue though is that by removing a dislike count, while not removing the like count, there's no immediate feedback for the content creator in terms of count ratio, and the content creator has to sort out the comments section much more instead of looking at the count to quickly determine if the topic was a hit or miss.

   If they want to improve this particular issue, just look at what some chess websites do. Instead of reporting a user trolling or cheating, they have to give an explanation first before reporting. Likewise, if you wanted to dislike the video, a pop up window asking you why you disliked the video and which parts you didn't like would come up and you have to give your explanation before the count is enabled. The reason why I find this valuable is because you have to articulate what you disliked about the video, and that explanation could be useful for not just the content creator, but for self knowledge of the commenter, and the YouTube algorithms learning . The same could be said for likes count as well. I see this as benefitting both the commenter and the YouTube content creator. However, by restricting the commenter's right to give a dislike at all, is not the way to go for me, because if you force an option away like this, the commenter and content creator's ignorance persists much longer.

   This is my view, so feel free to share yours on whether mine is valid or not.

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12 minutes ago, unborn_chicken said:

And they supposedly did it to prevent "targeted dislike attacks", which is like the lamest excuse ever. They could've easily made it optional for each creator, but they didn't. These big tech people are not even trying to disguise their censorship anymore lol. LET US ALL WELCOME THE FACISM!!

   So they removed the dislike count solely because of targeted dislike attacks? Could you elaborate on how targeted dislike attacks happen? 

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6 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   So they removed the dislike count solely because of targeted dislike attacks? Could you elaborate on how targeted dislike attacks happen? 

They somewhat explain it on this video.


Basically it's like groups of trolls getting together to dislike a youtuber's content cause they personally don't like them. Which honestly is something that i RARELY see happening, which is why I say It's a LAME excuse.

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I welcome this move from YouTube. Many young content creators suffer when they get unnecessary dislikes on their videos from haters and trolls. It impacts their business negatively.. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Obviously to protect the image and narrative of the government, media, corporations, big pharma and vaccines etc.









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7 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

I welcome this move from YouTube. Many young content creators suffer when they get unnecessary dislikes on their videos from haters and trolls. It impacts their business negatively.. 

Lol, this isn't to protect young youtubers' feelings.  Content creators can still see the amount of dislikes on their own videos.  Besides, if you're getting a lot of dislikes, that's valuable feedback that people don't like your videos and a new approach is required.

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1 hour ago, unborn_chicken said:


They somewhat explain it on this video.


Basically it's like groups of trolls getting together to dislike a youtuber's content cause they personally don't like them. Which honestly is something that i RARELY see happening, which is why I say It's a LAME excuse.

   Ah ok I see.

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15 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

I welcome this move from YouTube. Many young content creators suffer when they get unnecessary dislikes on their videos from haters and trolls. It impacts their business negatively.. 

@Preety_India Oh jesus.... Please don't be so naive.

If that was really the reason the coul've easily made it optional, as I said.

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11 minutes ago, AlterEgo said:

Obviously to protect the image and narrative of the government, media, corporations, big pharma and vaccines etc.









   It's starting to make more sense now, YouTube is based un the USA, and certain videos from powerful organisations are getting disliked to the 10× degree. Only the YouTube community can't see the dislike count, but the content creator still can? That still is restrictive to the community.

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1 minute ago, AlterEgo said:

Lol, this isn't to protect young youtubers' feelings.  Content creators can still see the amount of dislikes on their own videos.  Besides, if you're getting a lot of dislikes, that's valuable feedback that people don't like your videos and a new approach is required.

There is no need to give dislike to a video especially if the content creator is a newbie. People can give feedback in a responsible way in the comment section. Some people click on a video simply to give dislikes. This often happens between competing you tubers and the camps of each party give dislikes to the other. Not a fair policy. Even if a person can see dislikes on their own videos, it's very different from the dislikes being publicly visible. Dislikes being publicly visible can really lower a person's morale who is new to content creation. Not to mention the amount of right wing trolling that happens regularly on YouTube and this huge army gives dislikes to any video on Biden or anything related to left. Kinda disgusting how they take over the comment section. Too many keyboard jockeys. So I'm kinda glad they removed the dislikes. Call them snowflake or whatever. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:


   What are they thinking, just removing the dislike button? So, what's their problem exactly? Because if I don't like a video, and can't dislike the video, then that leaves the comment section. I give constructive critic if I want, but some would leave general negative comments, and some more negative. The main issue though is that by removing a dislike count, while not removing the like count, there's no immediate feedback for the content creator in terms of count ratio, and the content creator has to sort out the comments section much more instead of looking at the count to quickly determine if the topic was a hit or miss.

   If they want to improve this particular issue, just look at what some chess websites do. Instead of reporting a user trolling or cheating, they have to give an explanation first before reporting. Likewise, if you wanted to dislike the video, a pop up window asking you why you disliked the video and which parts you didn't like would come up and you have to give your explanation before the count is enabled. The reason why I find this valuable is because you have to articulate what you disliked about the video, and that explanation could be useful for not just the content creator, but for self knowledge of the commenter, and the YouTube algorithms learning . The same could be said for likes count as well. I see this as benefitting both the commenter and the YouTube content creator. However, by restricting the commenter's right to give a dislike at all, is not the way to go for me, because if you force an option away like this, the commenter and content creator's ignorance persists much longer.

   This is my view, so feel free to share yours on whether mine is valid or not.

   So far, my solution still seems like a better option than to hastily remove the right to dislike a video. At least explain yourself to authenticate your dislike, own your dislike. That way disproportionately reduces these dislike attacks.

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8 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

There is no need to give dislike to a video especially if the content creator is a newbie. People can give feedback in a responsible way in the comment section. Some people click on a video simply to give dislikes. This often happens between competing you tubers and the camps of each party give dislikes to the other. Not a fair policy. Even if a person can see dislikes on their own videos, it's very different from the dislikes being publicly visible. Dislikes being publicly visible can really lower a person's morale who is new to content creation. Not to mention the amount of right wing trolling that happens regularly on YouTube and this huge army gives dislikes to any video on Biden or anything related to left. Kinda disgusting how they take over the comment section. Too many keyboard jockeys. So I'm kinda glad they removed the dislikes. Call them snowflake or whatever. 

@Preety_India It doesn't matter Preety. No reasonable argument can be made as to why it couldn't simply be an optional feature that each creator gets to decide for themselves.

Edited by unborn_chicken

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