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Thought Art

10 Good Things To Embody In Life

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10 Good Things To Embody In Life

Flow: Living in a constant state of flow, creativity and joy.

Self knowledge: Spending everyday learning about yourself for 10-40 years. Understanding yourself to live a good, healthy and enjoyable life.

Self forgiveness: Total forgiveness of self and other and the development of intelligent boundaries in our relationships with others and our own cognitive behaviour and inner dialogues.

Self Love: Total self love of both the finite self and the infinite self (You as a human and you as the universe).

Self Esteem: Living by your highest values every single day so that you are able trust and respect yourself.

Presence: Being here now. Not in the future or the past or in mental movies. Using the minds ability to remember and to project into the future in a conscious and constructive way.

Good Posture and Good breathing: Having proper breathing and postural mechanics that you are emotionally and energetically stable and do no suffer from chronic pain in the body.

Feeling fully: Being totally fully connected with our emotions not hating or shaming any aspect of ourselves. Allowing all our passengers to be seen and understood and loved.

Good Qi Flow: Blood, lymph, sexual fluid, bioelectricity flow in a high quality way filling the body with joy and warmth. The body's nervous system is balanced and resilient and the body is free of chronic unnecessary tensions.

Healthy Relationships: You enjoy healthy friendships, coworkers, family members, and intimate relationships that are filled with love, joy, growth and healthy boundaries.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Nice list to aim for. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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