
The War Of Art Review

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This is the most amazing book I have read so far. As a writer this was exactly the information I needed, a pure kick in the ass! I had no idea all the ways I create resistance, I didn't even know there was so many forms it comes in! I have eight books ideas I been putting on hold for so long, always thinking about them but never siting down once  to write. I now write 5 pages a day, which makes a huge difference. Now I have more energy by doing what I know I should be doing. Each page of this book is a real slap in the face, but it doesn't make you more worried or upset that you been resisting your true callings. it calms you down, and frees you to peruse your art. I believe its a diverse book that can be used to defeat creative stalls, lose weight, meditate or anything that you just never get around to doing. The author relates very well, and makes you feel like your not alone.

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