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Terell Kirby

Avoiding the Leo trance when digesting content

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As I get deeper into spiritual work and deeply contemplating (as well a putting into practice) the insights from, I am finding it extremely imperative to avoid the trap of making the journey about Leo.

This includes trying to be like Leo and/or putting him on a pedestal. This also includes trying to debate and debunk him .. as I see many of us on the forum like to do. I am able to avoid the Leo trance, by reminding myself he is imaginary .. therefore, the insights he delivers are me delivering insights to myself.

This will go over a lot of your heads if you haven't truly realized what God is .. and why you are God. All in all, the Leo avatar is not your authority .. simply due to the fact that you are imagining it as a real person. Take its insights for what they are worth, and move on fast.

This not only applies to Leo, but any other spiritual gurus you worship and give your authority to. Love you all.

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Falling into the Leo trance is just as much of a lesson from God as any of the teachings at the end of the day. It’s fine to fall into, just make sure you complete the assignment and move on to your own power and authority when you outgrow his current teachings. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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5 hours ago, Terell Kirby said:

This includes trying to be like Leo

Sometimes I forget that Leo is a hardcore philosopher because he's here on the forum making jokes and talking so casually so I remind myself it's OK not to be where he's at. 

Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my 15+ years of personal spiritual exploration using psychedelics, meditation, mindfulness, personal development and somatics. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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