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Maniac thought insight

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First, i am not emotionally bad or something like that But i thought because of respect to other subforums, i should post this here.

Secondly, take this post with a grain of salt. This is just a thought experiment.

My question is the following:

What if my ego is creating and maintaing the social anxiety illness as the last defense against Truth/Non duality?

If i ever would feel the same with other people, stop doing comparisons, etc, i could really see all of my reality would crumble. Because then i would have no option than to accept that all diferencies are relative and i am not real.

What if social anxiety is my egos shadow to prevent itself from Truth? 

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4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

First, i am not emotionally bad or something like that But i thought because of respect to other subforums, i should post this here.

Secondly, take this post with a grain of salt. This is just a thought experiment.

My question is the following:

What if my ego is creating and maintaing the social anxiety illness as the last defense against Truth/Non duality?

If i ever would feel the same with other people, stop doing comparisons, etc, i could really see all of my reality would crumble. Because then i would have no option than to accept that all diferencies are relative and i am not real.

What if social anxiety is my egos shadow to prevent itself from Truth? 

You are overthinking things, don’t think about the “ego”, that itself is the ego. Ego is the illusion that you exist, not a real thing doing stuff.

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@Javfly33 that is very possible. if you are telling yourself that then it is most likely true for you. Why else would this thought be in your experience? 

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