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How to make a plan for life?

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I'm asking this because i'll wrote in a note what i want for my life and put this plans to always remember and follow the path. 

I'm finishing graduation in Sports now, when i started i was thinking in be a good Gymnastics Coach, plans changed and started my love to Circus, currently training to be a Handbalance, probably ready to perform in 3 years

At the same time, i'm very good in programming and i love this, here in Brazil they pay A LOT of money for specialists in this. This can give me a better quality of life to travel world and do all i want.

My question is, can i work to do this 2 plans(Circus and Programming) happen? Or should i do only one?

I know it looks like i'm lost, but i have 22 years old and i see a lot of opportunities and abundance in universe. 

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Working as a programmer full-time and doing circus/gymnastics stuff as a hobby seems like the most realistic path.

You could spend 20 hours a week doing both, but I think you'd end up with a mediocre result in both areas.

Not impossible to combine both, but intuitively it seems very difficult to me and I can't think of any examples. Maybe working at a company where you program technology used in training for athletes.

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