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Why is there something rather than nothing? (opinion)

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1 minute ago, Mu_ said:

How do you know?

Stop assuming that I know. Problem solved :)

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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You are making a distinction between "something" and "nothing". That distinction cannot have any reality to it whatsoever.

What exactly is the distinction of something/nothing "made of"? What is it? Where it is? Is it something, or nothing?

If the distinction is something, then by definition "nothing", is something.

If the distinction is nothing, then there is no distinction. There is no thing.


There isn't something rather than nothing. In This, there is no logic, no function, no distinction, no thing.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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Nothing isn't the absence of everything, because it isn't anything at all. Everything that exists is a distinction. What is the opposite of a distinction? Nothing. In order for a thing to exist, it must be distinct from any thing it is not. If it isn't distinct, it does not exist. You can't find Nothing in experience because it doesn't exist, and so isn't distinct from any distinction. If it would, it would be a distinction. Nothing doesn't exist, it is existence and the possibility for every distinction. When we create distinctions, we create them "in" and "with" Nothing. Nothing is always present, it is your experience right now.

This goes for every distinction that points to something that is greater than the ability to perceive or know any thing at all (an "Absolute"). Absolute isn't distinct from relative, because than it wouldn't be absolute. It would be in relationship with the relative, and so wouldn't be absolute. The same goes for infinity and finite, You can't conceive or perceive infinity, because than it would be finite. Infinity is the finite. 

So there isn't something rather than nothing. They are one and the same.


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It’s just mind man. Mind is completely formless which creates/imagines form. This should be obvious through your dreams. Your formless mind creates and imagines a full on seemingly formed reality. You could move around and interact with an entire world in your dreams. Then you wake up and realise that you havnt actually moved an inch, other than in your imagination. Realising that all that form you encountered was actually nothing. So the ‘something’ was actually ‘nothing’. Same goes here, when you think your awake, your actually God asleep, dreaming this. A seeming ‘something’, that when you awaken you will realise it is all actually nothing. Pure imagination, formless consciousness. Therefore form and formlessness are absolutely identical. Your just a formless mind, never truly moved anywhere, because there’s nowhere to go,  imagining that there is ??‍♂️

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Nothing is the end of using concepts to try to know what THIS is.

There's nothing behind the appearance, its empty of any real meaning purpose or value. No deep truth hidden underneath or inside the appearance.

Literally unknowable in the sense that any label, concept or belief placed on top of reality can never be confirmed or denied..... who would confirm or deny it?

It's empty and full/something and nothing

Empty of meaning or nothing.

Full of appearance or something.




“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You don't actually have a reference point for what "nothing" looks like

@Leo Gura Then do you have reference point for "nothing"?

Is that what is called Enlightenment?

Edited by Frosty97
added a line

I am God. I am Love. I am Infinity. I am Frosty97.

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There's not something rather than nothing. There's both nothing and something and it's contained in a single unit.

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1 hour ago, Frosty97 said:

@Leo Gura Then do you have reference point for "nothing"?

Is that what is called Enlightenment?

You can find nothingness (in the presence of something) by being it. You can be made of nothingness at all, it's what you are and it can be known, because everything that is something is in front appearing to you... Even you are a something. The you I am trying to describe is nothingness.

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18 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Someone here

   I think that the reason why we have something rather than nothing, is because we have something rather than nothing. Nothing is boring and costs too much calories, so a more efficient way of conserving energy is to form, to create something, on top of nothing, or formlessness. This way, you maintain a sense of YOU, without going complete bonkers and forgetting who/what you are everyday, every second. Too much energy, so you solidify and maintain this, over always switching to other somethings and back to nothing.

   This is my opinion you asked, which is a figment of my imagination, which is something, which came from nothing. Magic.

   Or it's this opinion that's right.

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We can use the phrase "the absence of everything" to refer to the absence of everything, can't we?

However, the thought experiment of trying to arrive at nothing(ness) by removing everything in succession becomes illogical at the final step: …The last thing is removed, and then there is no thing (nothing) anymore. For the removal of things is a temporal process, and the expression "and then" presupposes a temporal order or structure in terms of before (earlier) and after (later) that would contradictorily continue to exist even after everything has ceased to be. The very idea of there being nothing after there being something, or of there being nothing now is self-contradictory, because there can be no time when nothing exists, or a time after or later than all the times when something existed. There aren't any possible temporal relations such as temporal posteriority between nonbeing and being; so the process of removing things from the world couldn't possibly result in an absent world, but in an empty world at most. And, of course, an empty world or spacetime (* is still something rather than nothing—like an empty canvas.

(* "empty" in the sense of "devoid of, unoccupied by matter and energy")

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4 hours ago, Frosty97 said:

@Leo Gura Then do you have reference point for "nothing"?

Is that what is called Enlightenment?

Nothing has no reference point, hence it is everything.

Yes, that is enlightenment.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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38 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Nothing has no reference point, hence it is everything.

So, you're basically admitting materialism. Only a slightly enhanced version of it.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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Why is there something rather than nothing?

The experience of something ,is an experience. The experience of nothing,is also an experience.
That which experiences something, or nothing ,is itself neither something nor nothing and is therefore not limited to nor affected by any experience.
Who or what would be limited to, or by, any experience other than a superimposed projection and/or belief that, in reality, has no inherent self existence.

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35 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Nothing has no reference point, hence it is everything.

That which has no reference point is everything?

Sorry I didn't get it yet. Am I lost in words?

I am God. I am Love. I am Infinity. I am Frosty97.

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Something and nothing are both concepts. What is is not a concept. The question is a way for the ego delusion to entertain itself endlessly, but really it is without meaning. What is is what has always been. If you are able to grasp this truth, no further analysis is required.

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 just came across a quote which I think may be useful for thinking about matter and nothingness, and where 'something comes from, or continues to exist:
'All matter is created out of some imperceptible substarum. This substratum is not accurately described as material, since it uniformly fills all space and is undetectable by any observation. In a sense it appears as nothingness _ immaterial, undetectable, and omnipresent. But it is a peculiar form of nothingness, out of which all matter is created' (Richard F Plzak, 'Paradox East and West'. This seems to me to capture the big question of where matter comes from initially. Any thoughts

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Sometimes (actually every time without exception) if there seems to be an existential stuckness, it is actually a regular something in life stuckness. So if one is experiencing stuckness on how it is there is not actually something, but nothing… the alignment would be to part from existential rumination, and instead inspect in one’s life, ‘what I am saying there is, which is a belief, and there actually, isn’t?’ 



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10 hours ago, Frosty97 said:

@Leo Gura Then do you have reference point for "nothing"?

Is that what is called Enlightenment?

Look at anything. You are the reference point that is looking at a thing in presence. That is a thing appearing in front of you in space and time. 2 points must co appear simultaneously  in order for there to be some thing. "Thing" is a 3rd party observer, that is "enlightenment" in this example. "Thing"="enlightenment", = being "nothing"

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2 hours ago, Mosess said:

Look at anything. You are the reference point that is looking at a thing in presence. That is a thing appearing in front of you in space and time. 2 points must co appear simultaneously  in order for there to be some thing. "Thing" is a 3rd party observer, that is "enlightenment" in this example. "Thing"="enlightenment", = being "nothing"

   So 3 point perspective is enlightenment then? How does that answer the somethings came from nothing?

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