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Is GAIA ( any good?

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The site seems to have some good content on health, meditation, yoga, history, psychology, paranormal etc. but there are some stuff that really look like big conspiracy theory red flags. Is it worth the time and money (because it is subscription based) having to sort the good and bad content?

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to me is to much of dirty marketing these guys do on the internet

its too comercial,to capitalist ,too mc donalds burger king 

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@Verdesbird You mean that they talk too much about capitalism or that they themselves are the capitalists? (or both hehe)

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i mean they are hungry capitalists spreading disinfo too make people dumber in the exchange of cold hard cash

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It's so cheap, what are you gonna lose? $12?

Obviously it's gonna be very mainstreamy spiritual content.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The moment I saw their ad about 2 alien species having inhabited the moon or some shit I said nty

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There are some real gems in there, but you have to sort through just a colossal amount of horse shit to find it. They have some damn good documentaries on near death experiences, some good docs on ufology, and a few good docs on psychedelics and non-duality. Also a few interesting ones about archeology and possible lost civilizations and junk.   I have it and I think I pay like 7 bucks a month for it through amazon prime.  I like it, honestly.  

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Some good stuff but idk

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@The Lucid Dreamer if you can sort the wheat from the chaff please post those titles here! 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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1 hour ago, ZenSwift said:

@The Lucid Dreamer if you can sort the wheat from the chaff please post those titles here! 

Samadhi part 1 and 2(nonduality)

Inner Worlds Outer Worlds(nonduality)

Something Unknown(research into psychic phenomena)

Infinity, The ultimate trip(nonduality and near death experiences)

Life after Life(near death experiences)

After Life(near death experiences)


Insight Out(research into out of body experiences and astral projection)

Beyond our sight(near death experiences)

Psyched out(plant medicines and psychedelics)

Psychedelia(plant medicines and psychedelics)

Becoming nobody(Ram Dass’ life and teachings)

Essential lectures of Alan Watts(Video lectures you cannot find on YouTube as far as I’m aware)

ET’s Among Us series(about ufology… kind of a mixed bag. Some compelling, others sorta fringe.)

First Contact (Documentary on Bashar… a lot of people like Bashar on this forum so maybe you would.  I don’t really know what to think of him personally, but his metaphysics is on point)

Cosmic whistleblowers(Roswell incident)

The UFO Enigma of Flying Spheres

Quest for the lost civilization(archeology with Graham Hancock)

Bufo Alvarius(5-MeO-DMT)

The Path: Beyond the physical (astral projection, remote viewing and psychic phenomena)

The Path: After Life

Third Eye Spies (Project Stargate, remote viewing, psychic phenomena)

These are just some that I personally liked.  I know there are more that I can’t recall or find right now, and you might find even more that you get something out of.  


Edited by The Lucid Dreamer

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Reminds me that I never canceled my free trial subscription...darn it.

From my view, it's really just cookie cutter spirituality. is way better.

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I’ve found it helpful at times. As Leo said, it’s cheap as fuck lol. Just try it. Do you go on a forum to ask everyone before you order a $12 sandwich which you think could be great or could be bad? Hell, watch their free content on YouTube and see if it resonates. The quality on the paid version is very similar. 

If there are red flags, you should trust your own judgment to not fall into the stupid shit if  you find it. There’s still plenty of worthwhile nuggets to gain if you have discernment. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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