
Leo has won nobel prize in psychidelics

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In recent times,in every video leo gives himself award for being the most conscious human to ever exist and having the insights that noone except him can understand.this is not talked about enough.this is cringe as fuck.its like that child saying my toy is better than your toy.u need to stop this shit leo.u need to do more conscious marketing than this.

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i believe Leo fails in evaluate the relevance of budhism and taoism in the explanation of the universe

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27 minutes ago, BenG said:

If you're going to be a teacher of any subject, you need to represent yourself as having higher knowledge of that subject. 

a student goest to a master to learn things.he train under him for 20-30-50 the end the master check his personality and whether he is qualified to teach.if he is qualified then the master give him permission to teach

But leo does the complete opposite of this.leo find a subject intresting.learn it 1 or 2 years .then he start to teach it.because he has no masterful undrstanding of the subject he mislead people.he only scratch the surface.

Take a look at the kriya yoga mega thread.he mislead many people there.many people are misleaded there

I also got hurt because of this.back in 2018 i watched leos video on addiction.leo was so confident in that video that i thought "man this guy has figured addiction out" because of his confidence i got a little cocky.i startes smoking cigeretts because i thought that with leos method i will not get addicted.and that is how i got into alot of harm.i had to spend  the next 2 years to breake the was 2 years of hell and i suffered a lot.i got misleaded because of his confidence and lack of masterful understanding of subject.he only scratched the  surface and got me misleaded and i got a content creator he has some resposnibility .i trusted him blindly and i got fucked



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Leo gives too litle importance of the great habilities of the asian gurus in special,he thinks his ''thinking-thinking'' is too much compared

like me in certain way

Edited by Verdesbird

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3 minutes ago, asifarahim said:

I also got hurt because of this.back in 2018 i watched leos video on addiction.leo was so confident in that video that i thought "man this guy has figured addiction out" because of his confidence i got a little cocky.i startes smoking cigeretts because i thought that with leos method i will not get addicted.and that is how i got into alot of harm.i had to spend  the next 2 years to breake the was 2 years of hell and i suffered a lot.i got misleaded because of his confidence and lack of masterful understanding of subject

@asifarahim That has nothing to do with Leo's understanding (or lack thereof) of addiction. You weren't even addicted for God's sake, you can't blame anyone but yourself for starting to smoke cigarette. That's just plain foolishness. 

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14 minutes ago, BenG said:

@asifarahim Wait, how did he mislead you about addiction? Are you saying you deliberately got addicted to cigarettes because you thought it would be easy to quit? 


I got the false confidence that i can breake any addiction with ease because of watching leo.but u can easily say it is my fault.but a true expert on addiction will always  take a lot of responsibility and make the informatio as detailed as possible.but i got misleaded from leo.


If u r new here ,always take leo with a pinch of salt.always cross check what he says with other masters on the my opinion he is a middle man who take something and rebrands it .the information from source is always better than middlemen.but his marketing is very good.he market himself as the greatest or final authority on a subject.his video are his take on the subject.his video on law of attraction and karma are a barstardised corrupt version of orginal concept.because that is his take.

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1 minute ago, At awe said:

@asifarahim We should not trust anyone’s opinions blindly. In the end it’s you who decided. 


I took long time to figure it out .back in the days i was naive and got into lot of problems

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1 hour ago, asifarahim said:

i startes smoking cigeretts because i thought that with leos method i will not get addicted.

That was your idea. Most people don't think like that. You're making it very hard to not be facetious about this :ph34r:

You can't save people from their own stupidity. When I was younger, I used the saying "live in the moment" to justify not investing in my future :S

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard forget my smoking

Just go to kriya yoga megathread and read it from begining to end.u will see with your own eyes the stupidity of leo.


My point is never fall into leos marketing like "i am the most conscious human" etc.because if u do then there are some problems with it.

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Actually if you trust anyone blindly, expect to get fucked. 

Take advice and but when it comes to implementing follow your head and heart. 

No advice is 100% perfect. 

Every thought or opinion is the product of that person's own experiences, these experiences will vary from person to person, their experiences cannot be yours and vice versa. 

No advice is good or bad, totally wrong or right, because what doesn't apply to you might apply to others. 

Nobody has perfect advice. You have to take advice from 100 people yet follow what's best for you. 

Try to embrace a neutral non blaming attitude and be tolerant of other's opinions and thoughts even if they are different from yours or not suited to you. Develop an understanding and acceptance of all perspectives. 

Maybe his advice didn't help you but it could have helped someone else. 

Before you point the finger, heal your own blindspots 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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5 minutes ago, asifarahim said:

@Carl-Richard forget my smoking

Just go to kriya yoga megathread and read it from begining to end.u will see with your own eyes the stupidity of leo.


My point is never fall into leos marketing like "i am the most conscious human" etc.because if u do then there are some problems with it.

Nuance, brother.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I guess for people that are new to his content. They should watch this video. (specially at around 14:35 of the video)


Edited by EdgeGod900
so that the video actually shows up isntead of a link

God likes to cosplay as a human O.o xDxD

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5 hours ago, Verdesbird said:

i believe Leo fails in evaluate the relevance of budhism and taoism in the explanation of the universe

He’s a bit of a noob in that regard, but it’s not his fault. He’s done the meditation and read the right resources. His brain or God or something is keeping him from making progress in that direction for now, so it’s fine that he uses the psychedelic route to explore and develop both himself and his life purpose in truly venerable ways. His work is great even if he isn’t at the first level of permanent awakening in Theravada Buddhism for example which appears to be the case from my vantage point of being the psychedelic lover who found out they are just a stepping stone in many ways as almost all the more experienced masters have been communicating. I didn’t believe it either. I wanted to think psychedelics were the answer, and they might still have a place even after permanent attainments. It’s just obvious to me now that if you’re limited to only reaching the highest through substances you are not very developed in some of the most fundamentally important aspects of spirituality. And that’s really not Leo’s fault at all. It’s just karma/the conditions of his existence. And he’s bound to perceive any such statement about him as one from below, but well, who cares? 

All I can say is that when he finally does reach cessation, he’ll see that the psychedelics are ultimately weaker, however, his cessations will produce much more rapid progress than a normal meditator’s cessations as he has supercharged the Arising & Passing Away insight stage with all of these attempts at what he thinks is God Realization. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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