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On regards to Leo's water fast and gut health blog post

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I've read online about a treatment  called Fecal Microbial Transplantation. Basically they spread fecal matter form a donor (with the required gut and general health) diluted in saline water all across the rectum. This is a very groundbreaking treatment for treating Clostridium Difficile . This illness is an imbalance in the guts microbial population after taking heavy antibiotics and I read it has a 90% efficiency of curing for good the illness (it is very persistent and hard to get rid off. It always comes back). There's also some correlation to improvement metabolic syndrome-type conditions (like obesity, diabetes) but not many studies have been done.

Has anyone tried/heard about it?


Also I would like to recommend the books from Dr. Jason Fung, specially the one titled The Complete Guide to Fasting. Has some solid stuff on diet, health and of course fasting and goes in line with what Leo has already said. That books has some mind-blowing  charts and statistics and some fasting-friendly recipes (how ironic) . It will be a fine addition to the book list. @Leo Gura I'm tagging you because I know you'll be interested. Perhaps you already knew about this.

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That's not going to cure SIBO, which is in the small intestines.

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FT has only been successful with C-dif so far I believe it has failed with other experimental treatments. Not sure if it has been approved for general treatment. 

In order to reach small intestine they'd have to cross ileocecal valve but the problem is that if you put colonic bacteria in small intestine where they shouldn't be you can create even more problems or make sibo even worse. But maybe a transplantation of small intestinal bacteria from a donor given by oral rather than as a suppository could work in future

Maybe @undeather could add some insights on this. 

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@Leo Gura Have you read anything about autophagy (induced by fasting)? Maybe it can do something for you.


Try exercising. From what I've read and experimented it seems to be very crucial. Exercise stimulates (among many other things) the release of Human Growth Hormone which keeps the muscle form being consumed during the fast (and the body goes for the fat instead) and heavily and positively impact your energy during the fast and the speed in which you enter ketosis, which means a shorter and mild to no discomfort and cravings. Exercise during fasting also seems to eliminate the cold feeling (although you also get it from the autoimmune thing so who know how that plays out). And some say that it's sometimes impossible to enter very deep (and highly healing) fasting ketosis without exercise.


I've attached a video form a guy that does some fine research on diet and fasting. Just one so you can sample his content.

Fasting vs. Eating Less: What's the Difference? (Science of Fasting) Here he talks about how a prolonged water fasts played out by the book (in achievable ideal conditions). And some very important things like the exercise stuff. You should watch his other videos on fasting/diet. 




Edited by Alfonsoo

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