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Happy Lizard

Braver Angles' depolarization and conflict resolution

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This group's name came up on the recent  JRE with Tristan Harris and Daniel Schmachtenberger. 

They hold  group debates and conflict resolution workshops across the country, their goal is to depolarize both reds and blues. 
They program takes an SD stage yellow approach in conflict resolution, with the focus on reaching a common ground and accurate disagreement.

I think it's worth shedding light on such groups, as they offer actual workable solutions and highly conscious politics such promotes. 


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Politics exists because of lack of consciousness. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Preety_India American politics is great. Disagreement incentivize back and forth conversation. it's kind of like having an editor who can't be pleased because they want you to bring your best out of you.

I have lived under a dictatorship and in a place where there are 100s of parties, it's not great. The way it is right now in the US is because people are not aware of the consequences actually losing their democracy. This group I think is very civil, and promotes higher consciousness. I haven't joined them but I'm considering it. 

Edited by Happy Lizard

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@Happy Lizard what I'm trying to explain you is that politics is inherently disingenuous. It's only mud everywhere, no lotus. Politics exists not simply because of different conflicting perspectives, if it were that simple, then it would have been a child's game and much easier to find a common platform by simply bringing the other side to you, the way a marriage counselor does to a sparring couple. 

However politics is deeply rooted in selfish agendas, almost violent agendas driven by personal biases that arise from greed and survival. 

Survival is brutal and so is greed. As long as survival exists on planet earth politics will exist. 

And just as survival is brutal, politics will continue to mirror that brutality till eternity. 

It's a never ending dystopian loop. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Preety_India I see your perspective. However this is not a good diagnosis in my take. people will always be sick no matter how hard they try to be healthy and/or fit, no matter how good medicine gets, in theory there should always be sickness. But the main take of this point is that humanity shouldn't drop being doctors or develop solutions such as medicine. 

if politics, democracy, civil rights, political debates stop existing it's a race to the bottom not the other way around. 

The man in the video is actually a marriage counselor, maybe the issue that it hasn't been tried before ?


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@Happy Lizard Will definitely apply to marriages and medicine. I doubt whether it will apply to politics. 

But where there is a will, there is a way, so maybe this experiment can be tried. 

Thanks for sharing. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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