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Is there planets/dimensions in which everybody is Loving Enlightened Beings?

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Is there planets/dimensions in which everybody is Loving Enlightened Beings?


And how long would it take to be such in earth?

And what is need for this to happen? 

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I'm sure in the infinity of consciousness there would be such a manifestation somewhere

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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And what is need for this to happen? 

Nobody knows, but without upholding that belief that there is that need for this to happen, this is that which you speak of, which is why there is that ‘notion within you’ that it is. Look to inspection & actuality (this), vs the conceptualizing of another world / dimension. 



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How would that be any different that here? It’s just an arbitrary upgrade that looks good because it’s rare for us. If it was common for them, they’d have to seek something else for there to be any meaning to that existence. 

Be happy where you are. Trust me; I’ve seen a lot and really deconstructed this stuff even if it’s hard to resonate with what I wrote above. We’re in a morphing video game where no golden coin remains the prize for long.

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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