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How to Quit Kratom ?

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 I have started to reduce my coffee and kratom daily intake.  Feeling so so much more energized and calm at the same time. 

However some times I feel a little sleepy or tired and I don't know yet if its that I am reducing a little caffeine each day, so I dose a very little spoon of kratom just to not feel tired (not to get high or anything like that. Just to do stuff I have to do. I take less than 1gr).

So basically I am not sure if I should wait to quit completely the caffeine to see clearly what WD is what. Why am I tired , if its because of the kratom, or because of the coffee.

Because the bad thing is that at night I do kratom, so some days I wake up groggy AF, usually with coffee this goes away, but then I have to do a very little spoon of kratom to take the edge off the caffeine. 

So at the end of the day that daily night dose I think its what's really preventing me from cutting everything to ZERO.

Although meditation is helping recently and sometimes I realize I don't need anything to "chill" because my mind recently is quite calm, the Kratom "thought" at night is very strong and I end up always dosing. 

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