
Shrooms are the answer to the worlds suffering: holy shit

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Haha holy fuck. I can’t believe the trip I just had. Just want to express my gratitude for Leo, this unique path of awakening, and all of the beings participating in this collective healing of the planet. This is the best and most exciting time to ever be alive right now. WE are apart of the “spiritual rebirth” on this planet. I’m so excited to be playing music in front of thousands with my love for nonduality combined. The visions I had during my trip were beyond magical. 

I was listening to tickets to my downfall “nothing inside” - MGK, and envisioned MGK playing this to the entire world, with every being on the planet bare naked, god-realized, and in complete harmony with all the beauty and goodness of the universe and earth as a whole. I am SO excited for what’s to come. 

As long as I commit to staying alive and enduring the pain of existence/life, not killing myself, I’ll have the most beautiful life I could have ever asked for and more. 

Music, health, consciousness, love, beauty, art, relationships, humor, motivational speaking, shamanic crowd work, and performing is my art and bliss. I am fearless. I know how powerful I truly am. It’s very intimidating what this means for my survival and how torturous this will be to actualize it, however, what the fuck else am I or anybody else doing? Haha

Like, I’m going to suffer either way, life is suffering until you awaken. So might as well make the most of it, right? 

Honestly, I look up to MGK more than Leo at this point. Haha. I realized MGK’s birthday is one day after mine, and Leo’s is 4 days before mine. So, there’s something significant about that, perhaps. 

During this trip, I become one with MGK and realized a lot of shit that none of you guys may believe, so I’ll keep quiet?

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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3 minutes ago, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

So might as well make the most of it, right? 


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@Tim R love you man. Thanks for the fuck ton of support over these last couple of months/year???

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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