
Leo Gura more advanced content

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Yeah I get that. I am exploring leos teaching styles and was just wondering if he had released these higher things anywhere else. I wasn't looking for anything higher for my personal use. Im interested in the meta details of him as a teacher.

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@TruthSoldier The answer is no. Apart from his YT videos, his blog and forum posts, there is no content from Leo:) 

The "meta details of him as a teacher"? What exactly do you mean by that?

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I am interested in the various teachers from the Buddha to Leo, and I study all of them and their teaching styles and how they deliver their content and why they are effective and in which ways. Basically the meta mechanics and personality of said teacher and their teachings. In particular, how they each uniquely meet the student where they are at, and how they personally curate their lessons and linguistically arrange their insights so as to provide a better key to unlock the understanding in their students. 

In Leos case he has explicitly stated that he has learned things he feels he cannot share. This was in some older videos. Was wondering if he did indeed ever ended up sharing them, and if there was more advanced content somewhere for me to observe him delivering.

thank you for your straightforward answer.

Edited by TruthSoldier

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I think he partially means that he hasn't been able to put it and or integrate it in such a way that it would be something useful/or/and even entertaining to humans when presented in a youtube lecture format.

His interviews with Curt might entertain you for some time:


Edited by seriousman24

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Yes loved the dialogue betaeen curt and leo.


and you sort of hit the nail on the head. He has a hard time putting these insights in a way that would be understood or valued by people. As I am interested in how to best awaken the masses, it is precisely these edges of capability and understanding between teacher and student that I am most interested in. Put plainly, the variables that determine effective communication of the teaching. It is these qualitative differences in teachers and even within one teachers own variations that intrigues me. I want to observe more people teaching cutting edge stuff and examine the meta structure of the student teacher relationship and the conditions that determine the effectiveness. 

it is for these reasons that the content leo would most struggle delivering, is of most interest to me in observing him try to deliver it.


Edited by TruthSoldier

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31 minutes ago, TruthSoldier said:

. Put plainly, the variables that determine effective communication of the teaching.

There are no determined variables. Each awakens on their own terms. At best you can only provide a catalyst for awakening.

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I mean the variables that determine if an understanding connects


i.e the types of analogies and linguistics aimed at certain mindsets and demographics and how they click and fit and work as effective teachings. There is a difference in effectiveness in the differences, i have observed it.

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8 hours ago, TruthSoldier said:

if that is an assumption

I was being generous with my assumption.

It will probably take you longer.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It will take you 30 years to understand what I have already shared.

That’s what I was thinking. I’m still understanding teachings from years ago. 

I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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@TruthSoldier The deepest insights are not necessarily translated into the best teachings.

It can still show the communication skills of the teacher just not it's usefulness.

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How can content be advanced when advanced is, more content? 

Rhetoric, no? 

Or is this a trolling thread? 

If we’re to truly resolve anything, I vote it’s that picture. Hells going on there? 

You being led around by the snake… & unfucking yourself? ?

If all is so, best trolling seen to date. ? Anxiously awaiting a link to your advanced trolling teachings. 



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Trolling? Leo stated in his videos he has "had insights that almost nobody on the planet would understand"  and "Stuff so advanced there is almost nobody to communicate it to".

How is it trolling to ask if these have been made available since he released those video's which were a year or two old? 

It's a pretty straight forward question actually...

The play of ego's here is very surprising to find especially on this forum of all forums.

Edited by TruthSoldier

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@Nahm Please answer this question honestly. When Leo qualifies his work with "higher", "more advanced", "takes 30 years to understand it fully" or even "too radical", do you think it's a conscious decision made to help the understanding of the content? Do you think identification with the work could be part of why it is qualified with such words?

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48 minutes ago, 4201 said:

@Nahm Please answer this question honestly. When Leo qualifies his work with "higher", "more advanced", "takes 30 years to understand it fully" or even "too radical", do you think it's a conscious decision made to help the understanding of the content? Do you think identification with the work could be part of why it is qualified with such words?

Regardless, it hasn’t integrated the pathless, position-less, absolute equilibrium, non-dual quality to this path. All of the stories about more and less advanced have to be let go of in order to truly harmonize with the raising of one’s consciousness. 

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I don’t care what anybody thinks. Their thoughts are kinda their business. In this way I find you, me, and Leo incredibly Love. When you ask for honesty from me, you seek truth. When you don’t, you must resolve your discord. Me too. Leo too. What I think creates, but for you is a handful of beans. 

Here, you’ve missed the element of humor in this thread from me & Leo. But, I don’t know what’s goin on ‘over theres’. Here this is making it funnier. 



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10 hours ago, Nahm said:


I don’t care what anybody thinks. Their thoughts are kinda their business. In this way I find you, me, and Leo incredibly Love. When you ask for honesty from me, you seek truth. When you don’t, you must resolve your discord. Me too. Leo too. What I think creates, but for you is a handful of beans. 

Here, you’ve missed the element of humor in this thread from me & Leo. But, I don’t know what’s goin on ‘over theres’. Here this is making it funnier. 

I'm not asking about what others think. Do you personally support ideas of "higher" and "lower" teachings, or any other dualities I mentionned before? Do you think pushing those ideas onto students actually help them heal/feel/awaken/etc.?

Do you have a conflict of interest that prevents you from answering this question directly?

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2 hours ago, TruthSoldier said:

What a cesspool. Ill be asking future questions elsewhere.

We gave you the answer you just didn't want to hear it.  The stuff available is as advanced as it gets.  The stuff that cannot be shared with anyone is because ultimately awakening is total Oneness.  So the deepest Truth will never be able to be shared because of Oneness.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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