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Why would the Universe create the thought of a separate “me”?

23 posts in this topic

On 11/24/2021 at 0:08 PM, Atb210201 said:

I’ve been thinking about Oneness and the Universe which is what everything is and there is only the Universe happening everywhere and so on great but there is this one question that I can’t get any answer for which is If everything is the Universe and there is actually no separate “me” and there is only the Universe then the thoughts are the Universe too so then Why would the Universe create the thoughts of a separate “me” and trick itself why would it do that for what reason or there is no reason for it what’s the point??

Birth is just an illusion. Birth, universe, life, death, you, separate you, enlightenment are just a process of thoughts thats it. Nothing has never happened and now is the source. How can you trust the language or people? You are just in word land.



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