
Fatness issues

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So basically I've gained lots of weight in 1 year I've put so much on weight that I'm currently really concerned about my health.. I've been to nutritionists dieticians and so forth... What i do is that i stick to the diet for one week, i lose 3 kg or so, then the next week I go back to my old bad habits of eating... It's frustrating, especially that I don't like it i see pictures of fit girls and supermodels everyday on Instagram but even that doesn't motivate me, i started to do swimming this month a'd i haven't lost a single pound I'm really desperate and sad even depressed because of that... It's like i love food i get orgasms from eating (??) best part about life is food... has anyone of you guys been on a journey to lose weight? Can i get some advice? 

Btw : doctors tell me not to call it diet but call it lifestyle. But even that didn't really help. I don't see myself eating that food for the rest of my life. 

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@Wijuu you are an addict and you need professional help. Do not try to fix this on your own. I would try to find an in-patient program that has nutritionists and therapists on staff. 

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2 hours ago, Meditationdude said:

@Wijuu you are an addict and you need professional help. Do not try to fix this on your own. I would try to find an in-patient program that has nutritionists and therapists on staff. 

Well i already went to see a therapist they never told me this ... I don't think I'm an addict as i don't eat all the time but i love food yeah  i would describe myself as a foodie that's all... But thx for the help anyways. Appreciate it ?♥️?

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@Wijuu I don't think there is anything wrong with loving food. I love food, it is one of the greatest pleasures in my life. It is a completely normal human trait however sometimes it can tip us over the caloric balance and we end up gaining a pound or two. 

I don't know what sort of protocols have you tried or haven't tried so I won't make any assumptions but it may simply be learning to make the switch of foods. Keep the enjoyment in but experiment with healthier alternatives. Healthy and nutritious food can easily be made super tasty. 

But I sense it goes beyond that. Maybe the issue is that subconsciously you value pleasure from food more than you value your health. And perhaps what is really needed is to work on the underlying driving motive. We have peeps over here who may be able to provide some reality shattering insight @mandyjw @Nahm @flume to name a few. 

If you're ever looking to speak to nutritionist, I'd be happy to chat. 

Take care!

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Michael569 thx so much and I'll definitely work on that ?❤️?

15 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

@Wijuu I don't think there is anything wrong with loving food. I love food, it is one of the greatest pleasures in my life. It is a completely normal human trait however sometimes it can tip us over the caloric balance and we end up gaining a pound or two. 

I don't know what sort of protocols have you tried or haven't tried so I won't make any assumptions but it may simply be learning to make the switch of foods. Keep the enjoyment in but experiment with healthier alternatives. Healthy and nutritious food can easily be made super tasty. 

But I sense it goes beyond that. Maybe the issue is that subconsciously you value pleasure from food more than you value your health. And perhaps what is really needed is to work on the underlying driving motive. We have peeps over here who may be able to provide some reality shattering insight @mandyjw @Nahm @flume to name a few. 

If you're ever looking to speak to nutritionist, I'd be happy to chat. 

Take care!

3 hours ago, Meditationdude said:

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@Wijuu I've always been happiest with my weight when I'm really engaged with life and very focused on what I love to do. In other words, when I am the least concerned with my diet or what I'm eating is when I slim down. How is that aspect of your life? Are you finding satisfaction in various other ways, hobbies, interests, work, creative expression, etc? Sometimes dropping the thoughts that beat us up and steal our satisfaction is what allows the satisfaction we're looking for and then we don't look for it so much from food. 

Something else that may help is to let yourself have treats but make them special and set aside from everyday food. If you aren't consciously allowing yourself food you enjoy, it might become a fixation. Also always eat a good healthy breakfast with fiber and protein. Work in healthy food like veggies. Focus on slow changes that make sense and stick and aren't focused on deprivation. Start to notice how you feel when you eat certain foods. Rather than giving attention to the thoughts that say "I'm bad for having it eaten that" but really feel into and notice how much energy you have, how clear your thoughts are, stuff like that. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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12 hours ago, Wijuu said:

I don't see myself eating that food for the rest of my life.

This is your problem.

You are trying to lose weight when you should be focused on eating healthy.

If you cut out all the shit you eat, you will effortlessly lose and maintain weight.

Stop eating refined carbs, sugar, grains, wheat, etc. Cut out all junk food. This is the simple solution.

You are trying to lose weight while trying to keep eating junk. This will be extremely frustrating with lots of yo-yoing.

If you eat healthy it's nearly impossible to be fat. Fat tells you that you're eating garbage.

The root solution is to raise your standards for what you put in your body. Start caring about your health more than you care about junk food. You need to change your entire attitude towards food. Start to treat junk food as poison.

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@mandyjw i couldn't agree more ? that's absolutely true... Only yesterday i treated myself with some chocolate (kinder) then I started to feel guilty ? it always goes that way... But I'll definitely be trying what you said thx a lot sweetheart ?❤️

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@Leo GuraGura yes your absolutely right... i watched your videos about "diet" a long time ago and i still haven't applied them on real life ? I'll be trying that and also try to enjoy it ?❤️?

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Do you feel like eating is a substutite for something you lack in life? 

I think this one could help specifically with eating. 

Edited by Rilles

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@Wijuu The only long-term way to keep eating super tasty food AND lose weight/maintain lower than your initial weight is either to cut your meals to only one or two meals a day, and/or some intermittent fasting variation where you only eat for 8 hours a day etc.

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@Enlightenment i tried to eat only 3 meals a day but I couldn't do it I need my coffee in the morning and I'm usually hungry by 12 pm and also in the evening i need my cup of tea and some snack ... I keep cheating it's like to me, cheat day is every day ??? and i don't drink enough water about 2 to 3 cups a day... I sleep well tho i heard good sleep helps a lot with weight loss... Intermittent fasting is not for me.. My goal is to eat 3 healthy meals a day with veggies fruits and meat (protein) 

But thx for the suggestion dear ?❤️♥️?

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@Wijuu What's wrong with four smaller meals a day and no snacks for awhile? I can only avoid getting very, very hungry and dizzy with three a day if I make them enormous and eat past how much I feel like eating. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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21 hours ago, Wijuu said:

It's like i love food i get orgasms from eating (??) best part about life is food

This is so interesting, Im the complete opposite, I only eat to survive. Funny how people can have such different reactions to food. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Iboga is a psychedelic substance that helps seeing your own addictions and breaking free of them. I personally haven't tried it out, if you want to break free of your addiction to unhealthy food you might be interested in doing some research on it and perhaps trying it out.

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

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@mandyjw there's nothing wrong with that per say this can be a good strategy the problem is I have so much cravings and I think of food most of the time ?? help! ???

And I don't like veggies and fruits, I like chocolate and sugar juices and ice cream. 

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5 minutes ago, Wijuu said:

@mandyjw there's nothing wrong with that per say this can be a good strategy the problem is I have so much cravings and I think of food most of the time ?? help! ???

And I don't like veggies and fruits, I like chocolate and sugar juices and ice cream. 

Ok. When you buy chocolate buy a slightly darker version. When you drink juice put a little water in it. When you eat ice cream pour some almond milk over it (mix it all up, it's SO good, way better than straight ice cream.) Over time your tastes will adjust. Keep buying darker chocolate, add more water to the juice and add more milk to your ice cream. Then you can cut them out if you want. Although, there's nothing that unhealthy about dark chocolate, water spiked with juice and an almond milk milkshake. That all might sound gross now but it won't be over time. Your tastes are in flux, they aren't set. If you try to make a big leap too fast you won't allow them time to change. 

There's really NO fruit or veggie you like? No favorites? 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Rilles yes ? well people are different you know hhhhh and I don't literally get orgasms it was just an expression of how much I love food 

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