What Are Your Morning Habits?

By Rares in Personal Development -- [Main],
After I did some research I noticed that successful people have this morning ritual. Anthony Robbins has "The hour of power". Barack Obama first 3 hours of the day has no contact with media. Bill Gates sits alone for an hour.... The morning ritual help me to be more productive. After I implemented I seen a big change in my life. I'm more objective, I can control emotions much better, I can think clearly, I have more will power, more energy...and my day its just better   My morning ritual its between 60-90 minutes and looks like this: After I wash my face and I brush my teeth( I assume every one does this in the morning ) 1. One full glass of water with a lemon slice 2. Vegetable shake or scrambled eggs 3. 10-15 minutes meditate 4. Five min easy physical exercises 5. reading ( something inspiring, positive) 6. review my schedule for that day and review my goals and plans for future   I try to avoid: email, facebook, phone, contact with other people, negative thinking,     What is your morning ritual? Dou you have one? Share it here so we can learn from each other
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