Tyler Durden

What are my parents exactly?

10 posts in this topic

From a biological point of view, they are the individuals that are responsible for my creation. I would't came into existence if they never meet and didn't have sex at a certain point in time.

But if we take into consideration the fact that I was never actually born, that means I don't have any genetic connection to them at all. 

So why do they care so much about me? Is that a role I assigned to them to give myself a more believable experience of being a human?

Edited by Tyler Durden

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3 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

But if we take into consideration the fact that I was never actually born

You was born and wasn't born simultaneously. 

You as God was never born. You as a human being was born. 

You are conflating two separate things. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

You was born and wasn't born simultaneously. 

You as God was never born. You as a human being was born. 

You are conflating two separate things. 

But if now is all there is, when was I born then? That would imply existence of the past. 

59 minutes ago, BenG said:

@Tyler Durden

I love reading your posts. They're fun, super "out there", but super fun. 

Peace to you, man. ?

Thanks! Just trying to get some questions answered. This seems like a good place for that.

Edited by Tyler Durden

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4 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

But if now is all there is, when was I born then? That would imply existence of the past. 

You was born in the now. Absolutely speaking. 

You was born (insert your age here) years ago. Relatively speaking. 

Time is both real and imaginary at the same time. 

The past is real and imaginary at the same time. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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They care about you because they are emotionally attached to you. This usually "comes with the package" when a parent brings a descendant into the world. The mere knowing that there is a conscious being that is a product of your genetic charge can and usually will create emotional connection to that being. This is part of the story.

It does seem like you are conflating Consciousness with your self. Even though they are not separate, self is only a limited form of Consciousness. When you distinguish your self from any other thing, than you can also distinguish other "pieces" of information regarding this self - when this self born, how does he look, what does he love to eat, etc. If you are identified with Consciousness then you were never born, because Consciousness does not exist - it is existence and the source for every distinction, experience or knowing of space, time, objects, self and other. You are Consciousness, and You are also being your self. Dividing our social world to self and other, family, parents, siblings, friends, is entirely conceptual and serves the purpose of survival.

Don't try to intellectualize it, because it doesn't work like that. When you will "see" that everything is a part of a unified field of Consciousness, and that every distinction in your experience (including experience itself) is a distinction in this 'field', those question will dissolve in an instant because it will be so obvious and simple (yet profound). 

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But if we take into consideration the fact that I was never actually born, that means I don't have any genetic connection to them at all. 

To use some of Leo's terminology, if you start mixing the absolute and the relative with each other and conflate them with being the same then you'll run into this issue (the relative exists within the absolute). Birth and genetics are both relative and they only matter so long as you treat both as such. 

Edited by kamwalker

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I had a dream where I saw my mom as being the incarnation of love

Edit: (Not sure about the dad though? Probably the same thing)

Edited by blankisomeone

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