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Give Up The Search For Happiness

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I could see how the tear jerker could be the reference to the cause of death being ‘the field of honor’. Strikes me as incredibly discordant to combine harm & murdering over ‘stuff’, with honor in the name of this field. I’m not convinced they ever really knew you at all. 



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2 minutes ago, Nahm said:


I could see how the tear jerker could be the reference to the cause of death being ‘the field of honor’. Strikes me as incredibly discordant to combine harm & murder with this field. 

Well it's working for me so we'll see how it goes.

Why would Napolean be gifted with such success then? 

He was master of Europe. That doesn't happen without consciousness allowing it

Edited by Raptorsin7

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5 hours ago, Salvijus said:

see, aware of awareness is not the most effective practice for purification. It's more to rise awareness and create distance between your psyche and awareness. It leads to the realization that I'm nothing at all and nothing ever happens to me. It's beautiful but it has no quality like bliss or love. It's a different kind of freedom, freedom of silence.

Also it's a little bit like problem bypassing. When you do aware of awareness meditation. You jump over all your traumas and problems into that which has no problems. It doesn't purify the mind and traumas much, rather it separates you from the psyche and mind and traumas. The purification element is there also but not so deep like therapy for example.

This is a great explanation, I always sensed something was incomplete about the being aware of being technique.

I want to cultivate positive qualities like bliss and love, so I guess I have to find a more direct path.

5 hours ago, Salvijus said:

If you’re interested in purification there are other ways to go about it. Practices like vipassana or hatha yoga that focuses more on the body has a deeper impact on purification of the mind. But know this, purification takes a lot of time. There's garbage in your mind you have no clue about. Layers upon layers of garbage, even lifetimes of garbage. So ? but still purification has it's place. I do it also. How much you care about it depends on individual. If you really want to invest in that direction than just find an appropriate practice you can do that purifies your mind on a daily basis.

How do you know what purification process will work for you?

Yeah, I realize that my thoughts about the world are my issue. My lens and how I view the world is distorted.

How long does purification take?

5 hours ago, Salvijus said:

But aware of awareness practice does purify the mind sufficiently enough imo.

So awareness of awareness can work? It seems like you're contradicting yourself here.

What is purification in your view

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44 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

So awareness of awareness can work? It seems like you're contradicting yourself here.

What is purification in your view

Sorry, yeah awareness of awareness purifies the mind sufficiently. Except that it's not the fastest direct way of doing it. That's what I meant.

Purification means dissolving ego. That implies anger, lust, greed, compulsions, attachments, envy, everything that is toxic in the mind. I probably missed many more. 

44 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

How long does purification take?

Long. Even if you do therapy all your life, there will still be things to work out. It's really... usually you have to live it. To make it into your path of liberation. Some people invest their whole life into it. It's a spiritual path by itself. The level of your mind's purification can determine the level of your awareness because it is the ego that pulls awareness down. If ego is gone. No practice is needed, your awareness will float up to the sky.

Like an air balloon. Heavier your ego is, the lower your air baloon is. If your ego is gone your awareness floats to the mahasamadhi. So how long does purification take is the same question how long does it take to achieve mahasamadhi ? 

Others you know, instead of eliminating ego, crank up the energy, that's the kriya path. It's like intensifying the fire in the air ballon so it goes higher. That's what psychedelics temporarely do to you. They blow your energies really high and you experience what it looks like when the air balloon is in the cosmos.

44 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

How do you know what purification process will work for you?

It all works the same to all people imo. The machanics of purification are simple. There are many techniques in spirituality in that regard, you can find something that you resonate with. If you don't know anything echkart tolle's inner body meditation is good. Vipassana retreat could really purge you well also. There're many of these things. Probably every path has it's own way of dealing with purification. Do some confessions to the priest maybe ? it all works. Just chose what you resonate with. Or just do aware of awareness. It's good enough. Does the job eventually anyways.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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The mind never allows us to be liberated, it even fixates on 'bliss' or 'love' or 'freedom' as something to attain and creates questions that need answers, explanations that need to be understood, reasons that need to be met and methods needed to be done.

The mind loves the quest, it craves the story, it desires the distraction but it will never allow liberation to be realized because then we recognize the mind is what is keeping us from it. As long as one wants the process and the self justification the mind is addicted to instead of liberation from self suffering then that is what one will have.

What's in the title of the thread? Give up the's not a search because there's nothing lost. It's a journey and we can experience the destination of that journey along the way, the fulfillment is in every step of the path through experiencing the whole journey as one.


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7 minutes ago, SOUL said:

The mind never allows us to be libHoerated, it even fixates on 'bliss' or 'love' or 'freedom' as something to attain and creates questions that need answers, explanations that need to be understood, reasons that need to be met and methods needed to be done.

The mind loves the quest, it craves the story, it desires the distraction but it will never allow liberation to be realized because then we recognize the mind is what is keeping us from it. As long as one wants the process and the self justification the mind is addicted to instead of liberation from self suffering then that is what one will have.

What's in the title of the thread? Give up the's not a search because there's nothing lost. It's a journey and we can experience the destination of that journey along the way, the fulfillment is in every step of the path through experiencing the whole journey as one.


Do you believe you have complete understanding and embodiment of suffering and how to stop it?

If you answer yes, then why is your complete understanding of the path, not enough to change the suffering and issues facing humanity.

I would appreciate straight answers to these questions

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 @Raptorsin7   Will answers to those questions satisfy the desires of the meddling mind?

Complete understanding isn't a requirement for liberation. The body suffers and stopping the body's suffering isn't needed for liberation.

Liberation is the cessation of SELF suffering.

I can't even get one person to stop obsessing over getting answers to questions so why would you think any one person can change the issues and suffering of humanity?


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Happiness does exists .. but it's deeply counter-intuitive and does not follow the ego's program.

In realizing that we are not human, the way we define happiness completely changes.

It goes from an emphasis on external circumstances to internal circumstances.

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"What truly liberates is dissolving misunderstandings, seeing through delusions and letting go of beliefs, not picking up new belief systems and clinging to them as security blankets. When I talk about liberation, I’m talking about this moment here and now. Liberation as I mean it is never about yesterday, tomorrow, once-and-for-all, once-upon-a-time, or some permanent state that some phantom abides in forever after. It is only Here / Now. It is not a personal possession, nor is it the attainment of something new. It is waking up to what is and relaxing into being this moment, just as it is. Life cannot be captured in any system or formulation because it is alive, ever-changing, and nothing stands apart to capture it. And yet, here it is—just this—one whole happening that can neither be avoided nor grasped".

- Joan Tollifson

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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6 hours ago, SOUL said:

 @Raptorsin7   Will answers to those questions satisfy the desires of the meddling mind?

Complete understanding isn't a requirement for liberation. The body suffers and stopping the body's suffering isn't needed for liberation.

Liberation is the cessation of SELF suffering.

I can't even get one person to stop obsessing over getting answers to questions so why would you think any one person can change the issues and suffering of humanity?


Well it would be nice for my own understanding.

I am not a desperate seeker, i've been that in the past but at this point things are unfolding differently. 

I ask consciousness for guidance and I get it, and I can feel real time guidance from holy spirit or whatever you want to call it, so at this point it's enough for me.

Final question, what was the moment of liberation like.

I'm assuming you were a seeker and now it seems like you found what you're looking for. Can you describe what happened in terms of your own human experience

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8 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Sorry, yeah awareness of awareness purifies the mind sufficiently. Except that it's not the fastest direct way of doing it. That's what I meant.

Purification means dissolving ego. That implies anger, lust, greed, compulsions, attachments, envy, everything that is toxic in the mind. I probably missed many more. 

Long. Even if you do therapy all your life, there will still be things to work out. It's really... usually you have to live it. To make it into your path of liberation. Some people invest their whole life into it. It's a spiritual path by itself. The level of your mind's purification can determine the level of your awareness because it is the ego that pulls awareness down. If ego is gone. No practice is needed, your awareness will float up to the sky.

Like an air balloon. Heavier your ego is, the lower your air baloon is. If your ego is gone your awareness floats to the mahasamadhi. So how long does purification take is the same question how long does it take to achieve mahasamadhi ? 

Others you know, instead of eliminating ego, crank up the energy, that's the kriya path. It's like intensifying the fire in the air ballon so it goes higher. That's what psychedelics temporarely do to you. They blow your energies really high and you experience what it looks like when the air balloon is in the cosmos.

It all works the same to all people imo. The machanics of purification are simple. There are many techniques in spirituality in that regard, you can find something that you resonate with. If you don't know anything echkart tolle's inner body meditation is good. Vipassana retreat could really purge you well also. There're many of these things. Probably every path has it's own way of dealing with purification. Do some confessions to the priest maybe ? it all works. Just chose what you resonate with. Or just do aware of awareness. It's good enough. Does the job eventually anyways.

Thanks. It was helpful.

I think I will sign up for a vipassana retreat or some other kind of retreat. 

Do you think just working on the body with practices can be effective without also addressing beliefs and thoughts?

I did ashtanga yoga for like 5 months very consistently, and although it was fun sometimes and kind of relaxing, I thought just working on the physical body was a very ineffective and rudimentary way of making progress on the path.

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7 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Do you think just working on the body with practices can be effective without also addressing beliefs and thoughts?

Traumas impurities and old emotions of the mind are in the body not it the head. Body needs to be made into pure energy and transparant. Than ego and bad thoughts will dissapear. So yoga is very effective way to purify the mind but I don't know what it was that you did in there ? yoga can change how you think and behave dramaticly if it's done properly. It works on the fundamental level of who you are. It should change even the fundamental ways of how one relates and perceives life, food, people, atmosphere.

Each asana is like a statement. A healthy high conscious statement if one makes with the nessecary awareness in it everyday, it will change the entire belief system and psychological and energetic structure inside out. It can deeply transform one's personality. But it needs to be taught in a specific proper way. Only then the benefits become vivid. Isha is one of those schools that offer this possiblity. I don't if there is some other. Probably is. But I don't know where. 

Small personal example of mine. All my life I never were able to speak with people. I had huge blocks speaking with people was very shy etc. This is one of the resons I started meditation to overcome this. I did self inquiry for 2+ years and it still remained the same. Tho I gained lots of benefits of intelligence and awareness but the behavior patterns remained the same. Only when I started doing hatha yoga all my communication blocks went away. Today I don't ęven know how to shut up ? so it was a huge very fundamental change in me. So I'm sharing this example to testify that it works if it's a proper yoga.


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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7 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Traumas impurities and old emotions of the mind are in the body not it the head. Body needs to be made into pure energy and transparant. Than ego and bad thoughts will dissapear. So yoga is very effective way to purify the mind but I don't know what it was that you did in there ? yoga can change how you think and behave dramaticly if it's done properly. It works on the fundamental level of who you are. It should change even the fundamental ways of how one relates and perceives life, food, people, atmosphere.


Wow. I never really saw yoga like this, but this makes sense. I have felt my entire personality change on psychidelics when I felt into certain tension points in the body. I guess true yoga can do the same thing.

The yoga I was doing was like a workout class lol. I think it was from a real lineage, but the way I practiced was effectively just a group workout/stretching class.

7 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Each asana is like a statement. A healthy high conscious statement if one makes with the nessecary awareness in it everyday, it will change the entire belief system and psychological and energetic structure inside out. It can deeply transform one's personality. But it needs to be taught in a specific proper way. Only then the benefits become vivid. Isha is one of those schools that offer this possiblity. I don't if there is some other. Probably is. But I don't know where. 

Hmm okay. That's very interesting.

Can you learn the Isha style yoga online, or do you need to get initiated into a lineage or something?

How long did it take you to learn to practice and see benefits?

7 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Small personal example of mine. All my life I never were able to speak with people. I had huge blocks speaking with people was very shy etc. This is one of the resons I started meditation to overcome this. I did self inquiry for 2+ years and it still remained the same. Tho I gained lots of benefits of intelligence and awareness but the behavior patterns remained the same. Only when I started doing hatha yoga all my communication blocks went away. Today I don't ęven know how to shut up ? so it was a huge very fundamental change in me. So I'm sharing this example to testify that it works if it's a proper yoga.

That's a cool story. I practiced a lot of self inquiry too, but I never got major shifts like I would with psychidelics. I still feel i've benefited, but I was definitely doing self inquiry with the hope I would get the kinds of results you are describing form yoga.


Edited by Raptorsin7

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8 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

workout/stretching class

I see, not surprised I will say ? 

12 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Can you learn the Isha style yoga online, or do you need to get initiated into a lineage or something?

Initiated, yes. The element of grace is a main reason for it's effectiveness I think.

16 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

How long did it take you to learn to practice and see benefits?

I think I started noticing benefits even after the first day of doing it. Just the sense of wellbeing and improved mental balance was clear from the start.

Also I think the more you grow in self inquiry and meditation the more effective yoga becomes also. I think maybe that's why it was so effective for me from the start. Basicly you are using the same awareness from your meditation but applying it to a different area now so you reap the benefits accordingly.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Raptorsin7  Each one of us has a unique path in life and our perceptions are often influenced by our experiences so how we express the journey will not be the same. Me explaining my experience that may or may not have any similarity to anyone else is really an insignificant exercise and can distract others so more descriptions may not clarify anything.

The work we do differs, the time we spend differs and if we do spend any time on doing any work differs. Again I will just point out that we can experience in being the 'fulfillment of the path' at any and every moment along the way while we do or don't do whatever it is we do or don't do for however long it does or doesn't take,

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