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Everything is love. What to do now?

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So I remember asking some weeks ago why love has to be equal to consciousness. I thought it is the direct product or main intent of consciousness. However in my last awakening I got proved otherwise. (Btw. thank you all for being part of this journey)

But now I somewhat wish to never have had this insight. Because now, I see how unloving as selfish I really am. And how endlessly good existence would be if I'd love every little dirty, corrupted state of consciousness equally. So how you awakened guys deal with this dilemma? I've heard Leo say "just try to be a little more loving everyday", but every "little bit more love" is mice shit compared to what's possible. And how you guys deal with moments, when you were exceptional unloving? Of course Gods loves my inability to love, but this is precisely my point. Why is my mind so incredibly unable to love finite, corrupted stuff. It wouldn't endanger my survival if I'd love that fascist just as much as the hardcore leftist. 

This really is a Pandora's Box for me. But the awakening is still really fresh. Might need some time to integrate everything. 

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You will always have to reject some aspects of experience for your survival. Other wise, you could not survive. Mind is a function of survival and as such he is serving as filter for love. Mind reduces love so the self can maintain its integrity and form.

It is okay to make mistakes, and to prefer one thing over another. If you hurt someone with no good reason, than ask for forgiveness. Beating your self up won't do much - you already know that you were wrong. Don't be too hard on your self as well, learn to forgive your self.

Remember that in our world survival isn't just physical. Actually, it is mostly social. So if you are identified with some socio-political orientation, you will protect this part of your identity by reject others who hold different opinions. Why do you think people spend so much time arguing and protecting their ideas and opinions? In the service of the false self.

Love isn't distinct from Consciousness. Consciousness is the source of every thing that existed, exist and will exist, There is no real separation even when distinctions occurs in Consciousness. Love is the lack of distinctions, or distinctions without separation. So they are one and the same - words that point to the same essence.

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Notice the difference between loving as in actually love as in actually feeling love which can only be now. And the thought of love. "I loved her and she's gone." " I didn't love enough." Love is always whole, always now, never lacking, never cut off, never missing. The thought that love is not here feels bad because love is like "come on MAN!". Loves cares enough to smack you upside the head in the form of negative emotion. Then you think the negative emotion is not love and love is like, "come ON buddy, what do you want from me?" xD


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 hour ago, Vynce said:

So I remember asking some weeks ago why love has to be equal to consciousness. I thought it is the direct product or main intent of consciousness. However in my last awakening I got proved otherwise. (Btw. thank you all for being part of this journey)

But now I somewhat wish to never have had this insight.

Who are you talking about love? What ‘had this insight’? 

1 hour ago, Vynce said:

Because now, I see how unloving as selfish I really am. And how endlessly good existence would be if I'd love every little dirty, corrupted state of consciousness equally.

There are states of you love? 

1 hour ago, Vynce said:

So how you awakened guys deal with this dilemma?

What are awakened guys love? 

1 hour ago, Vynce said:

I've heard Leo say "just try to be a little more loving everyday", but every "little bit more love" is mice shit compared to what's possible.

Comparing yourself to… yourself love? 

1 hour ago, Vynce said:

And how you guys deal with moments, when you were exceptional unloving?

For real, who / what are you talking about love? “Unloving”? 

1 hour ago, Vynce said:

Of course Gods loves my inability to love, but this is precisely my point.

God? Inability to love? Huh?

1 hour ago, Vynce said:

Why is my mind so incredibly unable to love finite, corrupted stuff. It wouldn't endanger my survival if I'd love that fascist just as much as the hardcore leftist. 

Finite? Who’s mind, who’s survival love? 

1 hour ago, Vynce said:

This really is a Pandora's Box for me. But the awakening is still really fresh. Might need some time to integrate everything. 

Me? The awakening…? Time!? 

Love so crazy today love. 



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