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How can i make my parents care about healthy eating?

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No matter how much i say to them buy this-buy that, i want this-that they dont care. I wrote down a lot of receipts for them and made a diet-which is plain and cheap but idk they just dont care, i tried talking about my depression to my mum so she gets motivated to make healthy food but nah.

I'll stop eating the sugary things and other nasty food and they'll stop buying that then. Can you give me other ideas?


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Don't waste your time and energy trying to change them focus on yourself start cooking your own food if it's possible or at least try to eat the best option available

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This is a tough one, I sympathise with you especially considering you are suffering from something that could probably be improved by a better diet. 

Maybe you could try if you can work with a dietitian from the medical setting and they could convince your parents that eating well may actually eradicate your depression. If your parents are stage blue they need an authority figure ideally someone with a medical background. 

Maybe ask your doctor if you could speak to a dietitian. 

Alternatively, is it possible for you to cook your own meals? Do you have that space? Sometimes we just gotta take control into our own hands to get shit done. 

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It's literally impossible, decades of conditioning your fighting against

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i ll talk to my doctor what she thinks.

I dont have enough resources to make my own food, thats why i write down what i need to my parents


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maybe if you find a good documentary on unhealthy food that shocks them

but it's almost impossible to change people at that age if they don't want to

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It´s the same for me. Although I can get them to buy more healthy foods but it´s not really worth trying to change what meals they cook. I think that you should try and do what you can (eat healthy when you have the choice to do so, buy healthy food if you can afford it and cook it if you have time) but other than that I think it´s more productive to focus on other things because I´ve tried to change my parents in a destructive way and it´s really not worth trying to change people that you can´t change, by that point it was just my outlet for frustration and I think that just messes you up even more than unhealthy eating will.

Edited by Yoremo

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I've been where you are @ShardMare. Convincing other people to change just won't work, I tried it also, it backfired completely. I solved the situation by cooking my own foods. My mom hated it, and there was a lot of anger. Right before I was gonna pull the Tony Horton line of: "Will you support me in my healthy eating journey," she accepted the situation and everything went fine afterwards. Years later, they still haven't changed and their health slowly gets worse and worse.

You have to stand firm of what you believe in and make the changes neccesary to accomodate that.

Edited by Snuitje

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This is very deep, when you talk about food I think about all the other aspects in life that I wish my family change for the sake of better, happier, healthier life.

I talk with my family about various important things. They listen, they nod in agreement and they continue to live their unhealthy life.

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