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Thoughts on gratitude?

3 posts in this topic

Do you often try to be thankful for things throughout the day.

The feeling of gratitude is a really nice one.

Is gratitude an antidote to fear?

Any good sources to cultivate gratitude?

For me i try to be thankful for small things like my plant, looking at a tree, the moon and so on.

Listening to Joe Rogans episode with Jewel was really interesting imo, she talked about gratitude i think i'll listen to it again sometime soon-ish

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Yes!  Gratitude is a very powerful energy and should definitely be cultivated for a better life.  It's way too easy to start to take everything for granted in our daily life, especially living as cozy as many of us do. Things that you stop being grateful for slowly start to drift away from you..

Of course gratitude lists are an easy way to start.

Find something or someone you are grateful for and describe it in great detail

Find the feeling of gratefulness and trying to hold it and feel it deeper

Expressing gratitude to others, random acts of kindness

Thinking about how past mistakes and bad events turned out to be helpful in retrospect

Reminding yourself how for you have come (assuming you're in a better place now)

At the end of the day, ask 'who or what did I fail to acknowledge today?'

Contemplate, 'If I die tomorrow, what would I miss about this life?'

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