
Grieving for my cat

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I lost my little boy yesterday. He was only 3 months old when I rescued him after he got hit by a car on the street and lost his leg. He was my first cat, a total love baby who loved to cuddle and sleep on his mama. He opened the doors of a whole new type of love which I never experienced before, I'm grateful that I had the chance to be his parent in his short life and all the beautiful feelings we shared together. A week ago he stopped eating and had diarrhea, I took him to the vet and he got diagnosed with jaundice and possible FIP. Me and my family did everything we could to rescue him, during his last day with us the lost his ability to walk normally, he was collapsing while he walk and can't get up. He was crying in every few minutes, my boy was in unbearable pain so we took him to the vet at 6 am to put an end to his suffering with an indescribable burden in our heart. I held him and kissed him for the last time, and my beautiful little boy gave his last breath before his vet could even come to the clinic and see him. 

I really wanted to see him grow and play in our garden. We decided to get beautiful flowers and succulents for him because he loved smelling them, it was clear to us that he had high emotional intelligence and connection with mother earth. He was only 6 month old when I lost him. I really love my little boy, I miss him so much. Rest in peace my beautiful angel, I love you!

Edited by decentralized

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This is making me cry very badly. I'm crying so hard right now. 

It triggered the memories of my cat who was stalked and murdered by my neighbor teenage boy when I was 14 years old. 

That cat was my birthday present from my dad who passed away shortly after the death of the cat. 

It's extreme trauma and I have since found healing in cat videos. 

I used to hold the picture of my cat close to my chest for many years after her death. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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I'm so sorry to hear you lost your pet, I know how hard that can be.  I have lost so many over the years to old age and illnesses.  Sadly, FIV is usually a life-ender and can happen if you find a kitten on the street and it has not been vaccinated against it.

Cats make  such loving pets, most people don't realize how much love these little guys have for their owners.  You made the cat's life better, and think of it this way, when you give an animal love and attention, it will start to gain awareness of itself more, and so it will be reincarnated into a higher being with more awareness of what love is because that is what it was given.

All about animal reincarnation ^

Your little pet may very well be on his next life to being a human! <3  *big hug*  Sorry you lost your little one, I know how hard it is. :( 

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@Loba thank you for your kind support. I'm in a place where I'm angry at God for the thing that happened to my kitten. What's the point of making us share this love if he was going to take him away from me too soon, and painful like this? I'm trying to find and explanation to this, if this was all a cosmic joke and a slap to my face to make me remember "life is not fair" or a kind of painful lesson that I had to learn in order to prepare me to the loss of my own kid. I loved that kitty like my own child, and I still do, in a way I know that if he lived he had to continue his life with 3 legs which is hard enough, my boy is now free from this hassle but I can't help to miss him so much. I made a photo album for him, I'm working on an art project to honor his memory and make me remember the beautiful moments we shared together.


photo_2021-11-20 15.49.40.jpeg

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I'm so sorry for your loss. When our beloved cats die, we just have to go through the same process of grief, same as with the people we love.

In August 2020 i lost my cat Pika too (she is on my profile picture).

I think of her every day...

One day, our minds and hearts will be healed, and then we will recognize how deeply we are connected with them.

Love is on the way...


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I've had and lost a few cats too. Sorry to hear about your loss. Yes it's really unfair, but at least the time he had left was spent with your love. God bless him. 

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@Bojan V @unborn_chicken @silene thank y'all for your support. My beautiful boy is in a better place now and I feel grateful that we had the chance to share this love together. You know that cats have personalities just like humans, when he was sick and laying down I started coughing because something stuck in my throat he got up from his bed and started meowing to know if I was okay. He was a loyal, gentle boy and he never made me sad or angry during the time we spent together. It's hard to lose him too soon, but I have nothing else to do but accept it and try to live with it.

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Do you have any pictures?  What was the name?

Edited by Loba

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“Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.”- Rumi

“Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.”- Rumi


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@Loba I can send you his picture from message if that's okay for you, it doesn't feel comfortable to post it publicly here

@Raptorsin7 I agree with the 2nd one, death isn't actually "real" but I have those human emotions regardless 

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Of course!  I do artwork and would love to make a picture for you in a couple of weeks for you to remember him by.

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@decentralized much love to your cat, I was appreciating mine last night and thinking about its eventual death.  I understood then perhaps for the first time why we honor our dead, it always seemed strange to me, but its a form of love, to perhaps bury them with what they would of liked to wear or something they would of loved.

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@Mu_ thank you. unfortunately our furry friends live much shorter than us so the pain of losing them is sometimes inevitable. I believe the only thing we can do is appreciate our kitty as much as we can while it's still with us, take LOTS of pictures / videos, go on adventures together... The good memories we had with our kitty will help us while we're trying to get over the loss. I'm keeping his collar and favorite toy on my desk since he died, we don't have a tradition to bury the deceased with their belongings. If I had cremation service in my country I would probably bury his ashes to the soil of his favorite plant.

Edited by decentralized

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