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Carl Sagan's Climate Change Testimony to Congress - 1985

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Thought this was interesting. If only our government would have listened to the scientists when we had a decent chance to keep global average temp below 1.5 C. 

Edited by abundance

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I think it was bound to happen naturally. We can't currently (or then) been able to keep global temps from rising.

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1 minute ago, Armand said:

I think it was bound to happen naturally. We can't currently (or then) been able to keep global temps from rising.

No. There is nothing natural about the rapid and sudden increase in global average temperatures. It is the result of human activity. If it weren't for our CO2 emissions the planet would be in a state of cooling down since we're still technically in an ice age. Modest and gradual cuts to our emissions back then could have slowed down the rate of warming. 

Now we are in a predicament where drastic measures have to be taken to reduce our emissions to prevent further warming AND adaptation strategies needs to be adopted. 

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I feel like last year was our big moment. When most activity stopped for a couple months and wildlife was thriving because of it.
BuT tHe EcOnOmYyYyYy!!!!!1

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