
I am infinitely happy - living my dream life. Now, share the love with others

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Just enjoying life for first time now. Enlightenment is beyond anything you could ever ask for. I am a child, again. I know who I am as an ego and as god. It’s over. The suffering is over and even if it’s not, who the Fuck cares? I made it! 

Im fucking enlightened by my own definition of what I’ve been looking for! I got the answers! Now I can finally enjoy life and stop chasing and chasing everything. My addictions are falling away. Love is increasing infinitely day by day. Girls are magnetically attracted to me, which is kind of a shock, but not really lmfao. When you exude Unconditonal love for all of existence, they know it & want some of it for themselves as the devils we all are??

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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Can you define what enlightenment is to you? 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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@Fkdel 6 years non stop spiritual education and practice. Doing RASA with Ramaji, bipolar mania going full circle, meditating 247 basically for 60 days straight and physically detoxing my body for months at a time on juice fasts and raw vegan/occasional meat. 

it’s gonna be 1000% different for you because you have different weaknesses and strengths. Follow your bliss and basically listen and take action on almost every single thing Leo says. 

he’s the highest guru and does not lead you astray. Everything he teaches is verifiable through thousands and at my point, 10K hours of mastery involved. 

remmber, growth is exponential curve. I’ve been doing this since 15 basically, so 8 years before Leo even. 

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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Now I’m sad as shit. Fuck everything lmfao. I’m still happy as shit, it’s just it’s SOOO lonely being god. Like no one can match my energy I don’t even know what to do at this point. I can’t share the love with basically anyone right now. This is some deep suffering, but it feels like happiness and pleasure at the same time because I know it’s humbling me and valuing human connection more

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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I'm sure you're aware, but watch out for those manic phase signs...

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I suggest not making 5 different threads about it.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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