
The dream analogy

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29 minutes ago, AMTO said:

But to what extent? Am I imagining being me & everyone else at the same time? Or are others just empty vessels who disappear outside of my immediate view?   

@AMTO it's possible to discover that it doesn't matter whether 'others are just empty vessels' or not.  I mean, even if I'm an 'empty vessel', I seem 'real enough' to you for you to consider me 'not an empty vessel', at least to the degree that you are soliciting 'me' (or others) for answers on this topic.

Consider, is this Forum, this conversation right now, real? Or is it imaginary and it 'just seems real to me when it does'?  Do you see how there is literally no difference? 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

What two dreams? There is only one dream, and from it God awakens. Just like you do when you are sleeping at night.

Yeah ok ok, so I'm literally just fooling myself into the belief of a human self and others? My question is rather, how do other egos/selfs believe they're selfs when God awakens? 

I, God, take psychedelic and awaken as itself, formless consciousness. But what about you and everyone else? Or is this just a complete fantasy?




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4 minutes ago, Godishere said:

Yeah ok ok, so I'm literally just fooling myself into the belief of a human self and others? My question is rather, how do other egos/selfs believe they're selfs when God awakens? 

I, God, take psychedelic and awaken as itself, formless consciousness. But what about you and everyone else? Or is this just a complete fantasy?




There is no you or other, you're assuming there is such a thing as a self in you and in others, that's an illusion.

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@Mason Riggle@Shin

2 minutes ago, Shin said:

There is no you or other, you're assuming there is such a thing as a self in you and in others, that's an illusion.

So thoughts appear to nobody or no self, the thought "human" appears within consciousness to me(which is actually nothing). 

I (or whatever this is) has the thought that you have an identity and also have thoughts appearing?

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5 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

Can God truly awaken while in human form? Isn't that better described as becoming lucid? Because it still stays inside a dream and is aware that it's not real. Life doesn't end with that realisation.

You do awaken then go back to sleep ? but then you are lucid...


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@AMTO does it seem to you like I am an 'empty vessel'?  Do I seem any 'less real' than this forum, for example?   

Hint: when it's all dream, there is nothing 'outside' of that. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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8 minutes ago, AMTO said:

@Mason Riggle It does make a difference though. If I came to the conclusion for example that I’m literally talking to empty vessels, it would shift my perspective so fundamentally, I would endeavour to stop seeking any type of answer outside of myself, because it would just be a total distraction, void of any truth at that point. 




Other vessels ARE you.


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14 minutes ago, Godishere said:

Yeah ok ok, so I'm literally just fooling myself into the belief of a human self and others? My question is rather, how do other egos/selfs believe they're selfs when God awakens? 

I, God, take psychedelic and awaken as itself, formless consciousness. But what about you and everyone else? Or is this just a complete fantasy?

First you don't need to take a psychedelic to awaken, although it might help.

Second, when you awake, you will clearly see that you were "deceived" by a mechanism that causes Consciousness to identify itself with it's content, usually body, feelings and thoughts. This mechanism is usually referred to as Ego. When you get that you are not an Ego (and you will get it, if not have already), than you get that there never was an other. It's all you playing different characters. You will get that there is no such a thing as an Enlightened person, only Consciousness, where most of its human sentient manifestations are absorbed by the powerful gravitational force of the Ego.  

This is impossible to get without Enlightenment. It can be intellectually grasped, but this would just be another thought content and the illusion of separation is not dissipated. With Enlightenment you 'see through' distinctions, including distinctions between different selfs. The social world will remain to be a world of selfs, but you will see that it is just You playing all the selfs.

2 minutes ago, AMTO said:

But do they hold independent thought?  

I don’t think people on here are understanding me, unfortunately.   

I don't feel you are getting what they are telling you. There is no "they". It is only you, maybe in a different meatsuit and mind. But those distinctions does not mean that you are separated from that bodies and minds that you hold as "they".

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4 minutes ago, AMTO said:

But do they hold independent thought?  

I don’t think people on here are understanding me, unfortunately.   

When you dream at night do others have independent thought?  What we are saying is this waking dream is no different than your night time dreams.   It's just Consciousness or Infinity.  There's not even a you with a brain that has thought.  You don't "have Consciousness" Consciousness has you :)



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@AMTO yes?

You're alone here with me.


You can't know whether or not I have 'independent thoughts'. The same way you can't tell if you're dreaming right now, and will 'wake up' to some 'more real' reality than this. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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5 minutes ago, AMTO said:

@Inliytened1 So I’m taking to myself. Should I just exit the convention now lol. 

Think of it more as Infinity being itself.

But unless this is all true directly for you at the level of Being - then its just a nice story.  You would want to conduct your own investigation into whether or not any of this is true.  Self inquiry meditation is a good starting place.


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9 minutes ago, AMTO said:

@Inliytened1 So I’m taking to myself. Should I just exit the convention now lol. 

It gets weirder.


God is love

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16 minutes ago, AMTO said:

@Batman I do understand. It all me there is no they, I totally get that. But if you say it’s all me in a different “meatsuit” or “mind” that’s still an infinite level of independence. I’m still “out there” split into “others”. However, if there’s LITERALLY NOTHING outside of my immediate experience, that a whole different ball game, in my opinion. 

Yes ok you get it. But with Enlightement, when you are really "getting it" and deep enough, that it is absurdly mind blowing to really 'get' that you were so entangled with the character, For real, it is so unconceivable that the mind can't relate to it. You will get that every experience is your experience. There is no real distinction, it is totally illusory. Of course that as a specific mind you will hold that 'other' minds exist, but again there is no other. I get that you are inquiring into the fact that as a mind you can interact with other minds simultaneously, and asking don't they exist "outside"? But again, that distinction between your mind and other minds is also part of the illusion.   

The mind creates a singular life framework and context for experience and relates it to the character. This entraps Consciousness under the spell that it is this life. But only deep Enlightenment reveals the illusory nature of the ego as a program that binds Consciousness with perception and thought.


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the point is that you are the infinite void that does what it wants. It is you, and I at the same time, it is a game, it has no limits. Time does not exist, create it, there is no you or I in separate time, it is all at once, or never, or in turns, it is the same. there are no limits to what you can. it is unimaginable. You are God and you do what comes to mind and everything comes to mind and everything is the joy of love 

But: Are there other minds in this dream, understanding that they are all basically the same, or am I just imagining others? I believe that they exist as a dream, just as I exist. Each one is another universe, just like me, and we are all images, projections of the void, but there is no difference between me imagining you, or you imagining me. we are both different projections of the same, but just as existent


Edited by Breakingthewall

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30 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

Sex is masturbation ?

A more elaborated and fun one yes :D

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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