
Will I ever feel fine without coffee?

72 posts in this topic

On 11/16/2021 at 2:12 AM, SQAAD said:


I don't really know. I guess it depends how much you have abused this substance and other factors. For me , even when i abuse it, i don't get any WDs. Everyones different. Some people get WDs when they quit weed for example, others don't.

You can't expect someone's brain to readjust in a week if they have been taking a substance every day for months or years. It's misleading to believe so.

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39 minutes ago, museumoftrees said:

Fasting helps with energy because your body isn't busy processing or digesting food. It liberates a lot of energy that way. However drinking coffee, especially black while fasting can hurt your stomach. I'd be careful of doing that.

@museumoftrees easy fix ?, adding pink Himalayan salt to coffee not only restores electrolytes but it also neutralizes the acidity of coffee, not to mention the salt actually curbs sugar cravings.

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As any drug, coffee is a stimulant which you wanna use just for purpose and not as a lifestyle gimmick. Just keep your head upright bro and go through it, it's much more brighter on the other side ;) 

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Updating. Soon I will be doing 2 months since I started doing the taper off caffeine.

Currently I am doing about 120mg of caffeine each day, from an energy which I doubt that caffeine is even active because I don´t feel it at all.

I am experiencing significant WD tiredness symptons through the day. I been getting the caffeine from a Monster energy drink but not carbonated.


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Still feeling sleepy most afternoons even though i´m putting 8-9 hours of sleep each night. COFFEE WD is fucked up

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

I been getting the caffeine from a Monster energy drink but not carbonated.

It might be a better idea to get a simple black coffee, maybe half-portion. Monster is just so loaded with sugar and chemistry. In fact, I was reviewing the research on energy drinks for my upcoming youtube video and it was shown across multiple studies that this stuff completely wrecks mood, energy and focus. There are even some reports of suicidal thoughts in rare cases probably from the cocktail of sugar, caffeine and crappy chemicals. 

Despite all marketing claims, energy drinks are like drinking poison. Regular high quality coffee, black, once per day would be much much better option. Even preferable to caffeine pills. One cup per day won't give you an addiction and won't wreck your mood and energy as much as energy drinks would. 

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7 hours ago, Michael569 said:

It might be a better idea to get a simple black coffee, maybe half-portion. Monster is just so loaded with sugar and chemistry. In fact, I was reviewing the research on energy drinks for my upcoming youtube video and it was shown across multiple studies that this stuff completely wrecks mood, energy and focus. There are even some reports of suicidal thoughts in rare cases probably from the cocktail of sugar, caffeine and crappy chemicals. 

Despite all marketing claims, energy drinks are like drinking poison. Regular high quality coffee, black, once per day would be much much better option. Even preferable to caffeine pills. One cup per day won't give you an addiction and won't wreck your mood and energy as much as energy drinks would. 

I know What you mean, But i decided to switch to energy drinks because It was difficult for me to measure how much caffeine i was drinking.

Also i was unable to divide the coffee in morning - afternoon and i ended Up always drinking It everything at once at the morning . Too "bingeful" for me that first cup in the morning. 

Im sorry @Michael569 But as much as I appreaciate your posts and wisdown in nutrition, i feel you have a bias towards coffee here.

I find It shocking that you say that one cup per day wont give me an addiction, when the mere fact that i would have to take 1 cup per day to not feel bad IS basically What a physical dependence is.

The fact that you guys wont ever accept that "having to" take anything daily to feel normal and on homeostasis is not only because coffee might be a Safe high its because your body is hooked on It .

Not to say that coffee IS the worst drug ever, Dont get me wrong. Im just saying, i prefer to not feel that much as stimulated. 

Personally, after feeling What It is to work / study withouth caffeine, i really Dont see any reason to come back to that dopamine-noradrenaline rollercoaster as long as my WD symptons of tiredness and sleepyness goes away.


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@Javfly33 Notice in the youtube world how many addiction gurus there are (nofap, no coffee, no social media, etc.). 

There's something to learn from that ^.

The misunderstanding that something makes you feel something else causes the belief that you have an addiction. 

This is why everyone is trying to become free completely from addictions all the time.

The pain of withdrawal may be there sure, but notice you aren't actually bound to anything.

You're trying to control yourself and getting wrapped up about this, let that shit go and move on. Just drink less coffee, and stop making it a big deal. 

Like lol, you're having energy drinks to measure the caffeine amount? That stuff is a million times worse than coffee, not to mention all the sugar and crap that's added.

Edited by Fearless_Bum

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5 hours ago, Fearless_Bum said:

@Javfly33 Notice in the youtube world how many addiction gurus there are (nofap, no coffee, no social media, etc.). 

There's something to learn from that ^.

The misunderstanding that something makes you feel something else causes the belief that you have an addiction. 

This is why everyone is trying to become free completely from addictions all the time.

The pain of withdrawal may be there sure, but notice you aren't actually bound to anything.

You're trying to control yourself and getting wrapped up about this, let that shit go and move on. Just drink less coffee, and stop making it a big deal. 

Like lol, you're having energy drinks to measure the caffeine amount? That stuff is a million times worse than coffee, not to mention all the sugar and crap that's added.

Lol. Enjoy your coffee addiction ?

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@Javfly33 enjoy becoming a super detached master yogi with zero addictions who can sit under a tree 24/7 let me know how it goes.

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2 hours ago, Fearless_Bum said:

@Javfly33 enjoy becoming a super detached master yogi with zero addictions who can sit under a tree 24/7 let me know how it goes.

@Fearless_Bum Thats not the intention.

Bro, maybe coffee for you doesnt do you much, i Dont know.

Look, i have reasons to quit. Its more than being the cool guy. For me, before I started to quit coffee, i used to do 1 coffee once I woke Up, and another at the afternoon. That was It. 

And lately, (the last 2-3 months) I remember waking Up feeling TERRIBLE until i managed to fix myself the first cup of coffee. 

Then, i would go from feeling like a zomby to feeling jittery and "all around the place" in a Matter of 20 minutes, so i would have to chug at least 1.5gr of Red Kratom to comedown of that anxious stimulation.

By that time i wanted to start quitting kratom and It wasnt easy because i would feel so jittery and "on the edge" after taking a coffee.

Now, you could say that It wasnt the coffee, It was kratom WD, But, turns out, Im still doing kratom everynight. Now i only do about 1gr through the whole day , and at the end of the day, (the days i keep my caffeine dose the same) i feel FINE like i havent felt in ages.

Also, i enjoy an overall CALM through the whole day since I drink coffee, as someone with some social anxiety, i feel much more calm and grounded, I actually think not drinking coffee IS helping dramatically my mindfulness ability also. I just feel more grounded through the day wherever i am. 

Anyways, that was It. Just to let you know that i am not quitting It to be cool. I just think It really damages long term my ability to feel calmed and relaxed. I remember working on coding projects while drinking coffee and feeling all over the place. Building stuff , and deleting It, over and over, because i couldn't Focus on a single Page of documentation for more than 20 seconds. Now i Dont feel those "productivity peaks" But i just go slowly and thinking through What i want to build and design before coding anything.

I Dont know, It just feels more healthy and conscious to be naturally energized on your own motivation and own resources of the body, not on a dopamine-noradrenaline pedal that comes and goes. 

But that is perspective. Maybe coffee doesnt affect your sistem at all and you Will be fine with It 




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33 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

Just keep attempting going cold turkey, untill you get rid of the addiction. Been coffee/coffeine free for almost a month now, and my body feels a lot better.

I'm better each day... Now after 2 hard months I am starting to reap the benefits, can't wait to quit it completely. I'm currently doing 100mg daily only ?

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On 15/11/2021 at 4:04 PM, Javfly33 said:

I have started tapering down my caffeine intake because of two reasons:

1- I started to really hate waking up and feel absolutely terrible until I managed to do coffee and stop the WD

2- I realized that when I take coffee I am not exactly more productive, just more jittery and fast-paced. My work actually demands me to be patient more than "fast".

However, I am having a hard time regarding knowing when will I ever be free of this damn chemical.

I basically was taking about 2-3 coffees a day and over the weeks I've managed to limit it to 1 COFFEE at morning, + 3 soup spoons of pure Green Tea at the afternoon (which honestly, feels fucking placebo because after 20 minutes of drinking it I again feel tired (the coffee WD comes back).

Last week I was doing 7gr of coffee. Today I did 6gr. I plan to remove 1gr each week. That's how ridiculously slowly I have to go to not feel hard WD symptoms. 

Like I said, Today I did 6gr. Wow, felt really much calmer and peaceful. Doing work today was another whole experience. I was calm to take it slowly and actual get something done instead of trying to "run" through the tasks doing them half-ass .

However, here it is. Now its 4PM, it's been 1 hour after I´ve drink that ridiculous amount of Green Tea with honey, and I´m SOOO SLEEPY. I could sleep for hours now. 

Also my body aches , I crave the coffee.

Why the heck this takes so much time. iTs ridiculous. I thought this was a "harmless" drug.

I've cut out coffee and gone back to it about 6 times.

This time it's for good.

Not because I'll never drink it again, but because I know I won't need it anymore. The addictive impulse is diminished so much that the costs don't outweigh the benefits anymore.

That was because of emotional processing and trauma release, which I can highly recommend for fixing addiction permanently.

Back to the issue at hand: Quitting Coffee.

I've read books about this and experienced it firsthand: it takes 40-70 days, counted from the moment you quit all caffeine, tea and coffee, to feel awesome again.

But at the end, you feel awesome.

And I mean awesome: as sharp and productive as you are with coffee, with zero side effects, and on-demand energy all day long, until you go to bed.

At which point you sleep great.

Just painting a picture to give you some hope that it's worth it! It really is.

I'm just at the end of the second month, and I'm having every day moments where I wonder: Oh my god, what the fuck did I take, how am I so sharp and do I feel so good!

Of course it's not just quitting coffee, it's also optimized nutrition and enough sleep.


Why the heck this takes so much time. iTs ridiculous. I thought this was a "harmless" drug.

I feel for you ? It really sucks the first time.

If you have the option, it's better to take 7 days off to go cold turkey, that way the suffering is over faster.

After 7 days, you'll be able to function fine again, but the feeling "awesome" takes 40-70 days.

So a cold turkey quit is a good way to rip off the band-aid.

Of course, if you can't take time off work, and can't afford to perform like shit for a week, that may not be an option.


Now its 4PM, it's been 1 hour after I´ve drink that ridiculous amount of Green Tea with honey, and I´m SOOO SLEEPY. I could sleep for hours now. 

I know what that feels like. It's best to give your body as much sleep as it asks for, during the quitting/cutting down period. Even if that is 12 hours.


Like I said, Today I did 6gr. Wow, felt really much calmer and peaceful. Doing work today was another whole experience. I was calm to take it slowly and actual get something done instead of trying to "run" through the tasks doing them half-ass .

So cool!

If it helps, you can make a "countdown to awesome" spreadsheet or calendar, and just check off a box every day for 90 days, and write down how you feel, to see your progress.

Good luck!

Edited by flowboy

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@flowboy ey, thank you for the motivation!

Im much much better now, But Im not done, so i appreaciate your post! Im Closer each day to freedom ?

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coffee is good for you in moderation. I quit caffeine for a few months. Now I drink coffee a few times a week, and it definitely improves my mood and productivity. 

Edited by herghly

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On 15.11.2021 at 4:17 PM, Javfly33 said:

t's more physical. Like, I just feel bad in my body. (And also, tired).

I can completely relate to that. I withdrawed from caffein half a year ago. Was tortured from my withdrawl symptoms for 1 month... Basically couldn't even stand straight because it was too hard physically. After that, it only gets better and your mood finally becomes stable.

Stop caffein, its not good for you.

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

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I don't get why would anyone try to fight coffee (caffeine) addiction. You can mix ordinary coffee with decaf and gradually lower your caffeine intake.

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5 hours ago, Gregory1 said:

I can completely relate to that. I withdrawed from caffein half a year ago. Was tortured from my withdrawl symptoms for 1 month... Basically couldn't even stand straight because it was too hard physically. After that, it only gets better and your mood finally becomes stable.

Stop caffein, its not good for you.

I've been tapering coffee like 2 months like pussy lol . Going down from probably 500-600mg daily to this week that i was doing about 66mg daily (according to my energy drink, But i think its plabebo).

From tomorrow im doing 0 coffee to see if i can really Kick this demonic thing for good. 

Its been 2 months. Yes of course i feel better than when i started, But i can study like 20% of What i used to be Able with coffee (i get tired very fucking fast). 

The fact that this stuff is harder on the body (wd symptons) that Kratom its just shocking to me. What the fuck sometimes i wonder if i ever Will have energy as i used to on coffee ???

What do you think? How many days you think i got left? @flowboy

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

What do you think? How many days you think i got left? @flowboy

From the day of going zero (also without the tea) = T0, 7 days of bad performance, after that you'll perform okay but it will still suck a bit, until 30 days in then you're fine. And between 40-70 days from T0, you'll achieve the awesome state.

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2 hours ago, flowboy said:

From the day of going zero (also without the tea) = T0, 7 days of bad performance, after that you'll perform okay but it will still suck a bit, until 30 days in then you're fine. And between 40-70 days from T0, you'll achieve the awesome state.

Yes, dis perfectly correlates with my experience as well. You have to go to ZERO. Trust - after one month your energy will skyrocket again

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/76489-1-year-meditation-1h-daily-start-at-100122/

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