
Austria introduces lockdown for unvaccinated

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To both sides of the isle, if we don't seek out another viable pathway, this is going to just worsen. What do I mean? Consider the following two examples of many



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1 hour ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

There's no shame in believing words from a person more inteligent, more experienced and more capable than you, especially when your understanding of the subject is mediocre at best.

so am i reading right that you think every person who got the vaccine is more intelligent than every person who didn't get the vaccine?

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How many more freedoms are you willing to give up? The FUCKING media controls the world STILL in 2021. I had to see it to believe it. Look at you giving up your freedoms to 'save' the world, to let them run their conformity experiments and on top of that to be fully convinced that this is the truth just because you read some studies and kept hearing death numbers the last 2 years or happen to be smart and have medical knowledge and that makes you even more convinced. 

The way they created panic was just too obvious from the start but of course it was super effective. They used guilt and economic threats and violence to steal everything from us. You are just a pawn, a piece of meat and a numbet in their game. You took a vaccine and now you have this identity of the responsible one. You are sane and opposed to the wackos that are killing your grandma. Boomers with crazy conspiracy theories are just as annoying or even more than pro vaxxers. That doesn't mean that a conspiracy doesn't exist. 

On 21/11/2021 at 8:32 PM, Knowledge Hoarder said:

there's clearly a "discrimination based on ethnic and nationality" element missing.

There is a discrimination based on the willingness to consume the products they push you and if you don't, well you will inevitably. And then it goes on and on. Suddenly you need a third one. Actually every few months boosters. Masks, lockdowns, tests, vaccines, vaccine pass, do a vaccine that may be dangerous for you without anyone taking responsibility if something happens to you down the road or lose your job and go die we don't care. Actually it's  trendy now to do a vaccine. Of course people want to return to normal that's why 99.9% of people that did a vaccine did it. Because they took it now they tell others to take it too to feel a bit more sure about their decision to save the world. But guess what. No, WE will decide when this is over. When it's over we will announce it on tv. You can trust us. Our numbers are legit. 

But of course i could be wrong. I'm not convinced in the least that i am. Your problem is your inability to open your mind to the possibility that you could be wrong. After all you have proof. So take my stupid opinion and do what you want with it. It may express the thoughts some people may have or maybe i'm the only ignorant weirdo here. 

Edited by BlackMaze

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If the Biden administration just removed the mask mandate, the lockdowns, and the social distancing, his supporters would blame afterwards when covid cases rise again. He doesn't really have a choice, it's also a matter of survival here.

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There are quite a few other experts who disagree with your experts.

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you have three options and you HAVE to choose one:

Seems to me like you don´t understand how your mind works. I HAVE infinite options, and there infinite ways this could turn out. But I don´t need to choose, because I know what I want in life, so it´s not even a question for me, I´ll just go with a heart and flow with life.

Honestly I´m not surprised anymore. There seems to be so much hate in many of you guys. What about Leo´s teaching of unity and love? And now we let us be divided by the idea of a "vaccine"? 

The most healthy people in my environment are all so called "anti-vaxxers", and all your three options build up on wrong assumptions in my opinion. Well as I said we will see. But if we aren´t even able to have a conversation anymore, without getting censored or getting defamed I´m not sure this really is a "conscious" forum.

My mother said even in her kindergarten the children are more conscious about each other than on here.

You got the vax? - well fine, you don´t even have to tell me why
You don´t get the vax? - also fine, and you also don´t have to tell me why

Is that so hard? 

I can understand if you have fear in you. But in my opinion there is nothing to fear here. All will play out well, if you let yourself flow with life. 

I don´t even need some facts or anything to not get the vaccine. Why would I say what experts say? They say different things, some I may agree with, some I don´t. But what does that have to do with my choice? 

I´m no so-called "expert" and need to delegate my sensemaking to one? I think that´s called "learned helplessness"... If you don´t understand something you can learn it. That´s what I did.

I don´t know what´s true anymore for COVID-19. 
Virus-theory seems to be wrong - according to my research and own experiments regarding infections... But who knows? You can´t disprove something so easily, will need more testing.
PCR-Test for diagnosing COVID-19? Didn´t Leo just make a Video about "assumptions"? Seems to my like an assumption to say that if you find something with a PCR it means the person has COVID-19... But that´s just what I think.
So many people died from COVID? - Yeah? That´s also an assumption if you check out, how they count the deaths. No obductions are made for most of the people, so we simply don´t know. Again it´s all based on a test that´s not made for diagnostics... 

But all this doesn´t matter as I have my own experience, implicit learning and intuition which tells me to NOT get the vaccine. So I will gladly wait till they try to vaccinate me by force. Though I don´t think it well get that far.

There are XX different experts and XX different opinions. But the more conscious experts - in my eyes - all seem to sing a song that kinda goes like: "there is no need for vaccine mandates" - regardless of they stance on vaccines.

But even if they wouldn´t say that I would still fight this shit. Simply because of my own experience knowing we are all one and that forcing anyone to anything against his will simply leads to Trauma, which we have enough of in this world as it is. 


Edited by BadHippie

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@BadHippie This is a great post, really enjoyed reading it. 

Also, so true how easily hate & aggression comes into the mix

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Yeah, so is Slovakia. 3 week strict lockdown. It's a start of the next wave 

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On 11/24/2021 at 1:52 PM, Johnny Galt said:

To both sides of the isle, if we don't seek out another viable pathway, this is going to just worsen. What do I mean? Consider the following two examples of many



You know what? It's now very clear to me that you are PRO-VIRUS. You like every other republican or conservative moron out there believes that it is okay to just let the virus continue to spread throughout the rest of the country, let alone the entire world. You also seem to be okay with having the virus mutate into even more deadly and more transmissible kinds of variants. You even prefer having the deadly virus over COVID vaccines. You also want your friends, your family, your relatives, and other close to you to get infected, hospitalized, and die from this virus. No matter what your argument or excuse is this is the reality you have to own.

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13 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

You like every other republican or conservative moron out there believes that it is okay to just let the virus continue to spread throughout the rest of the country

@Hardkill Why are you thinking in such a black and white, this way or that way, mentality? It's as if you are assuming that if I am against the collective response to covey, that I must therefor believe in an opposite response, as if I believe we should do nothing - why are you swinging in mind like this? When have I ever said, we should do nothing? 

There are a world of things we could be doing for a countries overall health, to better assist us through out this, and yet we settle for a one dimensional approach. 

But what do you expect in a world where our "experts" of medicine treat birthing as if the woman is a patient; so severed from nature we are







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This is going nowhere. It's the same people rehashing old points that have been made in other threads.

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