
Self-Love Journal: The Gold Nugget of Truth That Runs My Life

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I love myself Journal: 


If I love myself, because I love myself, would I work at a job that’s not enthusiastic to hire me? Even if it’s part time? Am I too conscious for mainstream? Am I built for something greater? Shall I volunteer and not distract myself and waste my time? Does god close these doors that aren’t meant for me? Should I not take it personal and rather have the respect and dignity for my high value self embody the loving world I wish to create? 



Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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How to master drumming:

“They’ve learned the art of simplicity – they know how to practice restraint in a way that serves the song. They realize that great music has more to do with what you don’t play than what you do play. “

— a theme in life. It’s what you take out that’s toxic and removal, like detoxing, is often most powerful. Emptying the mind, etc. the principles of mastery are simplicity and a torus turtle like pace, nice and steady. 

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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Excessive Experience. Excessive Theory. Practice. Mastery. Music is my bliss. Not working at lululemon. Priorities. Anything BUT music and consciousnsss is a distraction. Girls. Anything.

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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Guitar center job is the best fit. My mom lit up when I mentioned it and she said “that would be a great job for you”

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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Teaching 18+ ONLY. If younger watch, that’s not on me. 

My message is radical and not pure enough to be boiled down and exposed to immature minds, who need to fix basic life issues. 

People will associate my psychedelics and everything with corrupting the youth like Socrates, so teaching minors will never be in the picture, at least for now. 

we’ll see. 

Look into being a drum/guitar teacher, getting lessons, etc. 

I love myself and the path and life I’m creating

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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When girls like you, they make it easy for you. Use excuses to talk to you or have you open bottles, show them how to work a weightlifting machine, lol. 

CRAZY ass shit happening all around me during “mania” later today and all today, to be honest. 

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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