
After Life

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So what happens after life? Why become enlightened? Is not getting enlightened bad for us in the after life?

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You don't get enlightened to have a nice afterlife. After "we" die nothing happens (most likely). Not getting enlightened is only "bad" for us in our current lives. I'm sure you'll get a lot more understanding from Leo's videos if you're interested.

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My two cents : when we die, we awoken from the illusion, then we choose if we want to reincarnate or not, if yes, we choose our date of birth and parents. It's not enlightenment, but a door.

Edited by Soulbass

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Simply put, what would it be like to go to sleep and never wake up ? It's going to be like as if you never have existed before.

Also read this : 


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When you experience that you are everything that ever existed, and that will ever be, this question will becomes dull ^^

We can explain it to you as much as we want, it's not gonna click untill you've realized who you really are.


Is not getting enlightened bad for us in the after life?


You already are enlightened, there is nothing to add to you.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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According to near death experiences, who have very real experiences of God, infinity, total bliss etc.

You are met by loved ones and God/The light; bliss; being home.

Then you have life review.

Then you stay there for a while.

Because we learn about it via NDE experiences people are sent back, or chose to go back for what ever reason. 

I belief 'being sent back' is not really a choice that is made separate from you, because ultimately you are God, but if you haven't raised you awareness enough it made seem like you are being sent back by it, but for your own best, because at a higher level you like to evolve further in the game.


So I think you can do everything, another incarnation, staying in heaven, creating what ever you imagine, being with other souls, incarnating in other planets, dimensions etc.

But if you have a low consciousness and thus lived a selfish life, you might decide from the higher consciousness to go back and raise it further; become closer to spirit through your own evolution first, and perhaps experience some balancing because of some choices you made because you like the idea of karma and it serves your growth.

You might like this site by the way:

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On 12/24/2016 at 7:50 AM, Mercy said:

So what happens after life?

There is interval between the giving up of one body and the taking of another. After the giving up of one body and before the taking of another we do not have senses. The body itself is not there, so whatever you might experience in that state is like a dream, as if you are seeing a dream. When we see dreams, we do not doubt their reality. 

So what we call heaven and hell are just deep dream lives. The intensity of the fire burning in hell can never be found in real life, though it is a very inconsistent fire. In scriptures, there are descriptions of the fires of hell, into which you are thrown without being burned. But one is never aware of this inconsistency – that if you were thrown into an intense fire you would not be able to withstand the heat; yet you are not in any way being burned. This inconsistency, that ”I am being burned in the fire,” that the fire is terrible, that the burning is unbearable and yet ”I am not burned at all,” is realized only after one is out of this dreamlike experience.

In the interval between two births, there are two types of souls. One type is of evil souls. For them it is difficult to find a womb for another birth. I call such souls evil spirits. The other type consists of good souls. For such souls also it is difficult to find suitable wombs for taking another birth.

Between these two are the majority of souls in which there is no fundamental difference, but only a difference of character, personality and mental make-up. They are of the same type; only their experiences will be different.

The evil souls return back to earth with such painful experiences that the remembering of them in itself is hell. Those who have been able to recollect such memories have described the conditions in hell. It is just a dreamland; it does not exist anywhere, but one who remembers having returned from there says that a fire such as he has seen there can find no comparison in this world, that the violence and the hatred which we find here are nothing compared to what he has seen there. The experience of heaven is also the same. The difference is only one of pleasant and painful dreams. This interval is a full dream period.

During that interval, there is no clear awareness of the duration of time. Because of this, Christianity has said that there is hell forever. This is said on the basis of the memory of those who have seen a very long dream. It was such a long dream that when they returned they had no memory of any relationship between this body and the previous one. That is why they said that hell is eternal and it is very difficult to get out of it. Good souls see happy dreams and evil souls see unhappy dreams. Only because of their dreams are they feeling unhappy and miserable.

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