
Crucifixion in the bible is just a metaphor for ego death and enlightenment right?

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I'm probably stating the obvious, but I've just never heard anybody say it and I looked it up online and dont see much about it. My belief is he was crucified and then basically was able to reach a stage of permanent enlightenment. The whole crucifixion itself is a metaphor for death of "self" Everything that happens and everything he says while on the cross makes it seem so.

Edited by digitalkaine

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No, the crucifixion is accepted as a literal event by the overwhelming majority of Christians. The Nicene Creed states that Jesus was crucified and rose again on the third day. This is accepted by Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and most Protestant denominations.

You're free to make whatever theories you want, but the crucifixion being simply a metaphor is absolutely not canon.

A state of permanent enlightenment happening while being literally crucified or upon the moment of death doesn't make it a metaphor, it just makes it 2 events that happened together. When you're literally dying, it doesn't have to be a metaphor. I think most people who acknowledge the existence of a real Jesus would say that Jesus was already an enlightened being long before cruxifiction. 

Edited by Yarco

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2 hours ago, Yarco said:

No, the crucifixion is accepted as a literal event by the overwhelming majority of Christians. The Nicene Creed states that Jesus was crucified and rose again on the third day. This is accepted by Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and most Protestant denominations.

You're free to make whatever theories you want, but the crucifixion being simply a metaphor is absolutely not canon.

A state of permanent enlightenment happening while being literally crucified or upon the moment of death doesn't make it a metaphor, it just makes it 2 events that happened together. When you're literally dying, it doesn't have to be a metaphor. I think most people who acknowledge the existence of a real Jesus would say that Jesus was already an enlightened being long before cruxifiction. 

I hear what your saying and I agree that he was enlightened before and after but the crucifixion itself seems as if it does metaphorically represent the death of "self" It seems like its written and portrayed as  a physical death but almost seems like a real time explanation and guide almost of dissolving of all insecurities and acceptance of imperfection. 


"Crucifixion and resurrection." When you start to preach enlightenment to a bunch of people who are so consumed by selfish greed the egos ultimate defense mechanism is physical violence. What he taught threatened the structure of society in Rome during that time. The crucifixion itself is him metaphorically and physically being freed from his ego and dissolving of all imperfections. The moment in which he is near death is the exact moment he is in truly perfect form. The belief is that after the crucifixion he was thrown in a cave and believed to be dead just to reappear 3 days later. My belief is that all that is true except he had never died in reality, and the death as told in the bible is metaphorical and what it represents is the idea of sense of self, as in that moment he was selfless in being tortured for the sins of everyone else *Transcending himself and everyone else*. He has one last bout with "god as the father" or "himself" saying "why have you forsaken me?" Questioning fairness in his direct experience. He believed that by going around awakening people it would make the world a better place. But at the same time he still knows better. "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" The way he's conditioned himself psychologically is allowing him to seek forgiveness for the outside world in himself as he's being tortured, as he understands the outside world is himself. Meaning the thieves beside him are still programmed and projecting previous traumas and being killed in result of something that is basically outside of their control. The environment created these conceptually deficient people so how is it their fault that they project how they do? No one is to blame and this punishment can never fit the crime. Hes begging for the one true way to heal the environment *forgiveness*. In this instance he's talking about everyone involved, as in hes forgiving the soldiers torturing him and everyone else who is taking part and basically the whole world. He finally lets his ego go and understands that what is happening is fair. His last words are those of acceptance. "father into your hands I commit my spirit." Him accepting things as they are completely, death of ego.

I believe he did not die at all after, instead he was taken out of the cave near death and was brought back to Kashmir by Buddhist monks. In this state he was awakened and completely stripped of all insecurities. His extreme vulnerability, physically and mentally was absolute freedom at that moment and he understood this.*Total acceptance of imperfection* There was no one to blame for what occurred and it happened just as it should have. He understood that if it would have went any other way that it would imply some kind of imperfection in that instance. He didnt have time, energy, or the will, to judge or hold resentment for what had happened to him and in his understanding he found nirvana.

In the bible they describe how after his death he takes a seat at the right hand of God for eternity. I dont think this implies a physical death rather a state of enlightenment that was everlasting.

I get the bible states hes basically referring to the father as something outside of himself but if you change the word from "father" to "self" and if self includes everything else it basically seems like hes asking himself for forgiveness and than accepting the current state of the world around him. 

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@digitalkaine Yes, you could see Jesus life as a map for Enlightenment. The first awakening happening when he was baptized by John and the crucifixion being a metaphor for final liberation/enlightenment.

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I mean if you want to twist it to your nondual agenda, then yes. You are absolutely correct, and you are not doing anything related to how religious people interpret things ? 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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A story is a story, doesnt matter what you believe about it, metaphorical or literal, still a story.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@digitalkaine the last year or so i have been accidentally finding more and more connections with the bible being metaphorical for enlightment and nondual teachings. Especially a few times on psychedelics. Its like the bible points straight to the truth but christians miss it all and take it literally. "I am a finger pointing to the moon. Dont look at me. Look at the moon" Christians are looking at the finger thinking it is the moon. 

I also cant help but feel like my ego mind is twisting things in my own preffered direction and that im probably incorrect and most of the bible is not originally about nonduality but nonetheless.

Edited by Adodd

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Doesn’t matter. Jesus’s teachings are Love. He died for Love. That’s all you need to know. 

Leo and Jesus are basically identical, in the essence of their teachings. 

Contemplate: What Was Jesus Up To?

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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Naa. The crucifixion represents God crucifying itself into the body of man. To become you. You’ve already suffered the crucifixion limiting yourself as human. You are the cross, your human limited mind and body. The resurrection represents the total awakening to yourself as God, to put it short and sweet. No historical actual physical Jesus. The misinterpretations of this are scandalous 

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I think it also points to the way of christianity and the way of inclusion. To include and to love the entire world with a wide spread arms, what does it mean? It means death. That's what cruxifiction means. It's symbolic. Once you accept everything, you'll die and become one with god and go acension. 

Also the pain of cruxifiction is when somebody takes the role of a messiah or a savior or a guru. A christian savior's role is to go into the world with wide open arms and full christ love and basicly absorb all the toxins of the people, to carry their burdens even if it kills your body. To include all the demons into your heart to heal them and to show compassion to them. This act of including a negative energy with love, transforms the negative energy into positive energy and uplifts humanity but it also harms your body. That's why this cross simbolism and the saying "Jesus died for your sins" is so accurate. 

Amen ✝

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Read Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism if you're interested in Christian mysticism.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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The most important part of the crucifixion was when Jesus said “My, God, My God, Why Hast Thou Foresaken Me?” revealing his inner state of complete disconnection from God at the moment he took on the sins of the world.  The meaning of this was revealed to me on a 5meo trip.     

Edited by Jodistrict

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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3 minutes ago, Jodistrict said:

The most important part of the crucifixion was when Jesus said “My, God, My God, Why Hast Thou Foresaken Me?” revealing his inner state of complete disconnection with God at the moment he took on the sins of the world.  The meaning of this was revealed to me on a 5meo trip.     



Edited by PurpleTree

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2 hours ago, Jodistrict said:

The most important part of the crucifixion was when Jesus said “My, God, My God, Why Hast Thou Foresaken Me?” revealing his inner state of complete disconnection from God at the moment he took on the sins of the world.  The meaning of this was revealed to me on a 5meo trip.     

Yea but you do realise right that it’s representing and expressing a state, of the point that it’s where God completely becomes you that you’ve totally forgotten your God, therefore beaming out those words, to what is now seen as an outside God. The idea that there was a man called Jesus who was crucified on a cross all those years ago needs dropped. It’s all just representing states. It’s how they felt best communicating it in the times. Through these mysterious stories. If it can’t be seen through that the stories of the bible are not about an individual human being from a couple of thousand years ago, and that these things represent you, as man, and the various states of consciousness passed through from being full blown God, infinite awareness itself, to limiting yourself in human form, and all the way back, awakening and resurrecting yourself fully to your infinite being, then there’s a lot of work ahead. I’m not religious. The bible is a representation and a great one at that. But it’s representing you. Not a historical figure called Jesus 

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On 14/11/2021 at 5:26 AM, digitalkaine said:

 but I've just never heard anybody say it and I looked it up online and dont see much about it. 

there are a ton of books that state that

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4 hours ago, Jodistrict said:

The most important part of the crucifixion was when Jesus said “My, God, My God, Why Hast Thou Foresaken Me?” revealing his inner state of complete disconnection from God at the moment he took on the sins of the world.  The meaning of this was revealed to me on a 5meo trip.     

This is what I'm saying, it seems like almost a last fight with his own ego before he fully transcends. 

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15 hours ago, Adodd said:

@digitalkaine the last year or so i have been accidentally finding more and more connections with the bible being metaphorical for enlightment and nondual teachings. Especially a few times on psychedelics. Its like the bible points straight to the truth but christians miss it all and take it literally. "I am a finger pointing to the moon. Dont look at me. Look at the moon" Christians are looking at the finger thinking it is the moon. 

I also cant help but feel like my ego mind is twisting things in my own preffered direction and that im probably incorrect and most of the bible is not originally about nonduality but nonetheless.

I had an awakening and I know I'm slow but I've never been religious unless it was forced on me. During my awakening I kept realizing how everything in the bible is exactly what I had been practicing, then I started learning more about the bible and how everything seems like a metaphor for consciousness and spirituality (Duh obviously) but it was always so hard to see because I had a bias against anything in it and I thought devils and angels were just nonsense but now I see how they use them to represent different aspects of reality that are often misunderstood. 

I believe the devil is nothing more than fear and misunderstanding, The holy trinity is mind body and soul. Crucifixion/ Resurrections is being shed of all imperfections embracing extreme state of vulnerability. Taking the right hand side of god means he was at permanent state of enlightenment. He made a blind man see not in the physical sense but he awakened him. Dont judge because it brings you closer to what we are.  etc I could go on all day. 

I think to get the most you have to see the bible for what it is including all its flaws.     

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Great insights. 

17 minutes ago, digitalkaine said:

I believe the devil is nothing more than fear and misunderstanding, The holy trinity is mind body and soul.

Biblically speaking, the devil is an angel which refuses to be parallel with mankind, and therein lies the fear and misunderstanding, inherently within or of, ‘being the devil’. (Angels, are us, mankind, which aren’t being, the devil.) ‘Jesus already died for your sins is an ultra polite way of saying you’re being the devil (but you don’t have to be). 

When that (arrogance, pride, self image, judgement, manipulation, etc) is no longer the case, the ‘holy trinity’ is actually realized, as in literally seen (yet by no one), like a car, cloud, or tree, and was never (intended as) conceptual or metaphoric in the first place. 


There aren’t any Christians. That’s the mind untwisted, so to speak. “Let that shit go”. -_-


Canon = theory. That there is canon, is the theory that there is canon. A theory doesn’t have to be belief and conjecture. 



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2 hours ago, RedLine said:

there are a ton of books that state that

I figured, I Just never seen anything in depth about how the crucifixion itself is a metaphor for shedding of ego. Its almost put in a way as to where it is fabricated to help whoevers learning about it to subconsciously apply it in their own lives. It seems more like an instruction manual for like a real time awakening or some shit lol. 

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