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Keeping a Belief Log: Start Deconstructing your Reality and Letting in the Light!

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A belief log is a lil thing I came up with that's helped a lot. I really value simplicity, and the more complex route is also welcome and okay.

I think it's nice to sprinkle in some simplicity on this forum to keep things holistic and diverse ?. 

What does a belief log do? It easily allows you to spot your beliefs and in the spotting of them you no longer take them seriously. 

One thing that's unbelievable that I've realized lately is that it's really all just beliefs that's in the way of ever-deeper unfolding Love ❤. 

Give it a shot, it's really easy and you can verify this for yourself almost immediately! 

Step 1: buy a journal.

Step 2: leave the journal open on your desk at all times.

Step 3: any moment a belief comes up that hurts or feels off to you, go to the journal and simply write it down. 

Step 4: use your meditative practice to stay equanimous when the recognized beliefs arise. 

Just recognizing that something is a belief is already hugely relieving. 

I guarantee you theres stuff you claim to know about yourself when really it's actually just a belief you hold about yourself. 

Example: "I suck" you may actually think this is true, but you can recognize that "I suck" is just a belief, you then no longer take it seriously and inevitably it will transmute into a Loving thought. 

This is a huge help in my life personally. 

You'll be shocked when your "perception" of reality changes just by letting go of some beliefs.

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