
To those of you who stopped smoking weed, why did you stop?

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I'm trying to improve my relationship with weed. At least trying to stop smoking for the wrong reasons.

I wanted to hear some feedback about your experiences with weed, If you have quit, what made you do it? And if it has improved your life overall?

Edited by unborn_chicken

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Weed is such a tricky one because it can be used for some great spiritual growth. The nature of the plant itself is sticky so it also comes with a propensity for addiction and abuse so we gotta be careful. I’ve struggled with it quite a bit honestly. My reasons for quitting are mental sharpness mostly. I feel drawn towards it as a creativity enhancer. 

I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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Upgrade to DMT and forget about weed.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yeah, the pleasure that is possible on weed is off the charts, especially with the indica strains. It can get severely addictive. I mean the level of pleasure if you tap into the universal energy field is off the charts, I mean it's so good, you wanna surrender your whole life, and then that's when it can unravel you. 

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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@Flowerfaeiry I had been smoking daily for quite a few years now but in the last month or two I wasn't enjoying it much at all, rather I was getting panicky and having depersonalization episodes. It happened again yesterday so I decided to take a proper break from it. I'll have to make peace with sobriety hehehe.

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Upgrade to DMT and forget about weed.

@Leo Gura Yeah but psychedelics don't provide daily relief :( you can only do it occasionally.

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12 minutes ago, unborn_chicken said:

@Leo Gura Yeah but psychedelics don't provide daily relief :( you can only do it occasionally.

That's the whole point!

Daily relief is a bullshit crutch which will not solve anything.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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23 hours ago, unborn_chicken said:

If you have quit, what made you do it?

The downsides outweighed the benefits for me at some point. In January this year, I stopped for about 6 months.

Now, when I do it, I don't do it for the benefits, it's purely recreational, and I'm okay with that. Doesn't really give me significant benefits or disadvantages anymore. I just do it for the fun of it. I think it's important to be honest why you're doing it. I wouldn't reframe the weed-consumption as my "health routine" anymore. Lol.

The danger with receiving benefits from weed is that the downsides of it can quickly be overlooked (which was the case with me). Stopping for half a year gave me a new clarity and perspective on using weed for spiritual/contemplative/creative purposes. It sure helps to open your mind, but it is absolutely not a necessity. At some point, it even feels hindering.

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I use weed as a sleep aid, I don't need it but melting into your bed at night provides a great mild psychedelic introspective bed time, sometimes sprinkle a bit of DMT  or 5 meo into to merge with my bedroom to heighten the experience. 

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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@Leo Gura Leo, I often see you talk negatively about weed, but have you actually seriously tried it?

I am going into cannabis for my life purpose, and after 5 years of using it since I was 15, I have discovered amazing psychedelic-level benefits that can be attained if one is educated and knows what he is doing with strains etc.

This domain takes a lot of trial/error and time to master, it also affects everyone differently. 

I would encourage you to seriously experiment with a variety of it before you go about talking negatively about it, it is not “addictive” in the hard drug classical sense, I would compare its addiction potential to coffee. 

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it started to give me anxiety

and took all my motivation

so it had to go

was very easy to quit for me too, from almost everyday to no thanks

only sleeping became harder

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I used to be a heavy smoker. This is what made me quit:

- Money

- Cognitive impairtment: poor concentration and memory lost

- Psychological problems: enhanced social anxiety and paranoia

- Wasted time getting the weed that I can invest in my personal development

- Stress when I can't get the weed or wait to get it

- Codependence with other potheads

I would follow the tip of upgrating to psychedelic. You could invest your energy on constructing a healthy relationship with weed, but i think is not worth it if you are interested in the spiritual development that provide the herb, there're more powerful substances. 


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I'd focus on trying to tap into natural highs more. Weed doesn't even hold a candle to a runner's high or a creative high (painting, writing, etc) or Wim Hoff breathing, swimming in a cold water, singing, etc. In fact you can't really call that a high, that's just the real you, unfettered, uninhibited. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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48 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

I'd focus on trying to tap into natural highs more. Weed doesn't even hold a candle to a runner's high or a creative high (painting, writing, etc) or Wim Hoff breathing, swimming in a cold water, singing, etc. In fact you can't really call that a high, that's just the real you, unfettered, uninhibited. 

@mandyjw that sounds to me like you never tried weed, or at least good weed xD

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Lung health and clarity.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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3 hours ago, unborn_chicken said:

@mandyjw that sounds to me like you never tried weed, or at least good weed xD

Even if you get the very best stuff, there's no way you get the same high every time. Good feeling isn't actually caused by activities, things or substances. 

You want to be reliant on weed or not? Cause your reply makes it sound like you're perfectly happy there but your question sounds like you're not. So which is it?

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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6 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Good feeling isn't actually caused by activities, things or substances. 

Oh yeah, if I mentally tie feeling good to anything, running, meditating, music, weed, reality quickly shows me the impermanence of it. And thank god there is 'something'  permanent 'lurking behind' the impermanence.

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