
Are Democrats more conscious?

9 posts in this topic

Palo Alto is in Silicon Valley, hahaha. 

"The San Jose Metropolitan Area has the third-highest GDP per capita in the world."

"Palo Alto serves as a central economic focal point of the Silicon Valley and is home to more than 7,000 businesses employing more than 98,000 people. Many prominent technology firms reside in the Stanford Research Park on Page Mill Road, while nearby Sand Hill Road in the adjacent city of Menlo Park is a notable hub of venture capitalists. The city's economy generally follows the economic trends of the rest of the Silicon Valley." - Palo Alto Wiki

And this Wiki can be very informative:

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Damn it, I post the same video, though with more effort in the OP and no one replies.


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It feels very forced. 

One of the react bros will dismantle it if I'm right. 

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Yea this video was eye opening.

In my observations Democrats tend to be more conscious but obviously that’s just a general trend and shouldn’t be taken as an absolute truth.

Rip to other Washingtonians. Never expected tax inequality to be higher here than any other state in America :/ 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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8 hours ago, AdroseAkise said:

Damn it, I post the same video, though with more effort in the OP and no one replies.

It's probably due to the thread title you copied from the video. In my opinion, this clickbaity title is adequate for Youtube, but not for this forum.

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Everything is always fully conscious but in terms of the mundane, shared physical world we live in Democrats are usually more conscious, yeah 

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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It's not that Liberals aren't at times egotistical and hypocritical, it's just that on the whole (ie. allowing for individual differences), that they're far less so than Conservatives.

Sure the Liberal meta-ideology (whose center of gravity is SD-Orange with a bit of SD-Green on some social issues) has a ton of holes you can poke in it, but that's even more true of Conservative ideologies.

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at :

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