
what are YOU?

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The following may not make sense and I may sound absolutely bat shit crazy, but I'm going to ask it anyways.


In the paradigm of non-duality, from my experience, or the experience that ''I am'', you (the person reading this) do not exist other than the thought I have of you in my mind. However there is a consciousness or field of awareness in you, right? i don't understand how you do not exist currently in my experience or how you are just a figment of my imagination, but you are an awareness, so you do exist... does this make any sense at all? 

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6 minutes ago, Psych2Awak3n said:

The following may not make sense and I may sound absolutely bat shit crazy, but I'm going to ask it anyways.


In the paradigm of non-duality, from my experience, or the experience that ''I am'', you (the person reading this) do not exist other than the thought I have of you in my mind. However there is a consciousness or field of awareness in you, right? i don't understand how you do not exist currently in my experience or how you are just a figment of my imagination, but you are an awareness, so you do exist... does this make any sense at all? 

It doesn't make sense because it's a strangeloop. Strangloopiness is a feature of reality, not a bug.

Stop trying to conceptualize everything with your finite mind and realize that you are the entirety, namely God. 

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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The only things that exist are the things you're conscious of right now.

Leo doesn't exist until you see one of his video, think of him, or see a post of him.

You're recreating everything in a split second in order to have a consistent reality.

Everytime you don't feel your hand it literally doesn't exist in this moment for example.

That can feel very nihilistic for an ego at first, especially when it comes to other people and becomes experiential and not just conceptual, but you'll get over it.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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You are Infinity, which is every possible thing that could be imagined.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, Psych2Awak3n said:

In the paradigm of non-duality, from my experience, or the experience that ''I am'', you (the person reading this) do not exist other than the thought I have of you in my mind. However there is a consciousness or field of awareness in you, right?

Everyone’s as real as you, and yes, all that is, is ‘consciousness or field of awareness’. And yet, nonduality isn’t a paradigm. Nonduality just means not two. So it doesn’t define, point to, or even imply what is, only what isn’t. Duality, is a paradigm. And also not. 

3 hours ago, Psych2Awak3n said:

i don't understand how you do not exist currently in my experience or how you are just a figment of my imagination, but you are an awareness, so you do exist... does this make any sense at all? 

If you look at your hand and cover up your palm, it looks like five separate fingers. If you uncover your palm, they’re really all one. Don’t believe what you see. 

Check direct experience to verify these thoughts / inquiries. Think the thought whatever it is, then the opposite… see if anything changes at all. If thoughts don’t seem to make any difference, see about meditation. ‘Empty your cup’. Don’t believe what you think. 




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