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Wim Hof breathing better than a benzo for anxiety (but only for about an hour)

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Had a pretty stressful day and had to go talk to my boss about my other boss, stuff that i'm not agreeing with which easily could backfire.

Went to the office to see if the boss is there to talk to him.

Had really bad mood and started to get really anxious and almost hyperventilating, my mind just doing obsessive though loops (what it tends to do in stressful situations)

Remembered the Wim hof breathing technique which i haven't done in a long time

Did it and felt good.

Went to the boss and the talk went smooth, really relaxed.

So keep it in mind for interviews etc. if you're prone to anxiety.

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I started doing it about two years ago, changed my life. Before doing it I used to think I was a pretty calm chill person. I was but only when things were going well. In stressful situations I realized I didn't hold my shit together as well as I thought.  I had become super attached to one of my friends at work and she was leaving for another job. I didn't like anyone else at the job and I was also getting a promotion which meant all these people I didn't like would be coming to me with all their complaints. On her last day I went home and basically broke down knowing I was going to be all alone with this. I was in a really negative headspace. I had heard of Wim-Hof before so I gave it a try. I couldn't believe how fast it ripped me out of that headspace. Heart stopped racing and my thoughts became more positive almost immediately. 

After that I baked it into my daily routine. Every morning before work and sometimes before sleeping. I feel so much more centered and things that used to give me anxiety just float away. 

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Good stuf! Take 100% control of your breath and anything becomes possible.

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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^yea but for me it's just a short term solution not a long term

did it one year multiple times a day when i went to a school which i found very stressful

but i didn't get any long term benefits

only short term relaxation for like 30 mins - 70 minutes

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Do his breathing technique alone is effective or we have to combine with cold showers ? 

How much round do you do per day ? 

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9 minutes ago, Gabith said:

Do his breathing technique alone is effective or we have to combine with cold showers ? 

How much round do you do per day ? 

personally i only do it in really stressful situations or when i'm especially anxious and want short time relief, one round can be enough for that


the cold showers aren't necessary for the breathing technique, i used to do the cold showers but stopped because of neck pain and chronic fatigue, drained my body too much often but many people looooove the cold showers

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