
David Pakman believes that Trump could actually win in 2024

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He probably will. Biden is a very weak candidate and the Democrats are doing horrible in getting their agenda through and explaining it to the American people, instead preferring performative wokeness.

If Trump doesn't run and someone else is on the republican ticket the democrats may be landslided, or as close to a landslide is possible now.

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@Hardkill Doubt it. 

@Raze Republicans have not won the popular vote in over 16 years, your stance on republicans winning by a landslide is farcical to say the least. 


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He can win, Biden is no Obama or even Bill Clinton.  In fact, if Trump ran right now, he would win in a landslide.  

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Sure he’s got a good chance. Who can oppose him for the Democrats that has as much charisma? Is AOC planning to run?

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if he could shut up then yes no doubt but he is incapable he wants the front page every day he is the people's savior ... just have to hope he is jailed for the january 6 insurrection

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9 hours ago, Harlen Kelly said:

@Hardkill Doubt it. 

@Raze Republicans have not won the popular vote in over 16 years, your stance on republicans winning by a landslide is farcical to say the least. 


That is not how elections in America work. 

For example, this projection of Trump vs Harris has republicans winning by almost 100 electoral college points. Keep in mind Trump is one of the least popular politicians in the country, imagine if someone popular was running on the republican ticket.


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even though bernie might be old or dead by then, we'll just put sunglasses on him and still get him elected



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Republicans might win. 

But if you notice the general trend, almost every US president has served two full terms, that is the maximum they can serve, exception being Trump in recent times..

I expect Biden to serve full unless something drastic happens and people decide to drop democrats. 

However that's highly unlikely because Biden is not the type of person to cause hugely bigly chaos (giggles) unlike his predecessor Trump. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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14 hours ago, Willie said:

Sure he’s got a good chance. Who can oppose him for the Democrats that has as much charisma? Is AOC planning to run?

I dont even think AOC will be only enough to run by 2024 so that counts her out. 

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7 hours ago, NorthRise said:

I dont even think AOC will be only enough to run by 2024 so that counts her out. 

I believe she mentioned that she wasn't interested in running for President (something along the lines of we need to stop looking for savours was the gist of it).

I'm not at all optimistic about 2024, as Republicans taking the House or Senate in 2022 will effectively be the end of Biden's presidency as far as getting any Legislation passed.

While it's fair to point out the problems with the Democratic Party as far as messaging and controlling the narrative, at the same time the entire system is weighted in the Republican Party's favor due to archiac and anti democratic nature of the US Senate, Supreme Court, and Electoral College.

To use an analogy the Democratic Party is like a female employee entering a sexist workplace; having to work twice as hard and receiving half the recognition for their accomplishments.

Something like half of Republican voters thought those nice stimulus checks they received earlier this year were due to the efforts of thier own Party, when in actuality not a single Republican voted in favor of the Stimulus Package....

Edited by DocWatts

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Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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On 11/11/2021 at 10:16 AM, Willie said:

Sure he’s got a good chance. Who can oppose him for the Democrats that has as much charisma? Is AOC planning to run?

AOC would lose by an even wider margin than Biden or Harris. The core Democrat voter doesn't agree with the radical ideas of AOC. One of the big problems with the Democratic party is the big schism at the moment between corrupt capitalist types like Biden, and radical leftists like AOC. They should really be two separate parties. But it seems like anything more than a 2-party system can't work in US politics.

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7 hours ago, Yarco said:

AOC would lose by an even wider margin than Biden or Harris. The core Democrat voter doesn't agree with the radical ideas of AOC. One of the big problems with the Democratic party is the big schism at the moment between corrupt capitalist types like Biden, and radical leftists like AOC. They should really be two separate parties. But it seems like anything more than a 2-party system can't work in US politics.

What part of AOC's political platform do you consider to be 'radicaly Leftist?'

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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16 hours ago, Yarco said:

AOC would lose by an even wider margin than Biden or Harris. The core Democrat voter doesn't agree with the radical ideas of AOC. One of the big problems with the Democratic party is the big schism at the moment between corrupt capitalist types like Biden, and radical leftists like AOC. They should really be two separate parties. But it seems like anything more than a 2-party system can't work in US politics.


8 hours ago, DocWatts said:

What part of AOC's political platform do you consider to be 'radicaly Leftist?'

Yeah, AOC is way too far to the left for most Americans. She would need to move a lot more towards the center in order to have any real chance of winning the presidency.

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@Hardkill I don't deny that AOC is further Left than much of the rest of the country.

Just that calling her a radical Leftist is an inaccurate caricature advanced by bad faith actors on the Right, as she's a reformist Social Democrat.

Advocating for policies that are uncontroversial in most of the rest of the developed world is hardly the mark of a Radical.

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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Trump trying desperately to make an appearance of a shadow presidency during the Biden Admin and take cred for the Serbia-Kosovo economic normalization agreement by sending 'his diplomatic envoy' (private citizen of the Trump Administration - that no longer exists  and whatever that means being fellow loyal MAGA movement leader associate) Richard Grennell that basically ammounted to nothing in improving the relations between the contentions in that region and stabilizating (similiar to what the Abraham Accords did with the Israeli-Palestnian relations in 2021) (we had a Serbian Army standoff at the Kosovo - Serbia border in October a likely troubling signal of future escalatory things to come).




Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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7 hours ago, DocWatts said:

Advocating for policies that are uncontroversial in most of the rest of the developed world is hardly the mark of a Radical.

Go and try to advocate to make alcohol legal in Saudi Arabia.

It doesn't matter if the EU thinks your policies are common-sense. Radicalism is relative to the society that you're in. "The Squad" are radical figures with insane pie-in-the-sky ideas to most Democrat voters.

Edited by Yarco

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