
Therapist and I have different views of goals

21 posts in this topic


I think you’re intuition is incredible and could not be more spot on, and all you’re missing is that the better feeling sought will never be found in thought / thinking, only in feeling. Try to look at it at a kindergarten level - of course feeling is found in feeling. If you desired water, you’d go to the sink. If you desire equanimity, better feeling, go to feeling directly. 

Put another way, the peace and love is what’s sought and it isn’t found in the content of the mind if you will, but in relaxation and cessation of thought activity, it is ‘found’ in what ‘the mind’ is made of. You might say it allows the u to naturally unfetter in the found, and results in a feeling you’ll be quite fond of. 

I’d shift the focus to understanding the emotions you’re experiencing. It’s inherently grounding, intrinsically emptying, and just feels awesome. Then, there is no more ‘going to thoughts’ to ‘cope’ because there is nothing discordant to lead to seeking coping. 



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