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I recommend autistic guys look for autistic women

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Not saying that you have to exclusively look for autistic women but I find them much easier to get along with, I'm speaking general but I find neurotypicals dont have as much tolerance and can smell that your different therefore look for something 'better'. I feel that a lot of it also is do with social pressure and people don't want to be labelled as being with a weirdo. I Go to a few autistic meetups and theres just no pressure as you realise everyones in the same boat and have difficulties with social interaction as well. I also feel I can be my quirky  self and dont have to follow the herd which is exhausting, trying to mould into what society expects of you. I also find at other meetups  and city social events there're a lot of foreign people there  since they've moved from a different country they dont have any social connections whatsoever and are in the same boat in not having a social circle, therefore are easier to talk with as you aren't an outsider to the group.Come to think of it thats what  a lot of meetups compose of foreign people and non social butterflies; then again if your social butterfly you don't really need to go to meetups and the like.  

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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15 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

Eh. I don't know about that. Autism is a spectrum. I don't think I'd get along with a girl that is too autistic.

Most on the spectrum are high functioning, but general society might think of them as being a bit 'weird', but I find it easier to relate to people like them 

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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